City of New Bedford agrees to pay $500,000 to the Malcolm Gracia family


The attorney representing the family of Malcolm Gracia made a statement and can be read here. The following was sent by the New Bedford mayor’s office:

“The City of New Bedford has reached a settlement agreement with the family of Malcolm Gracia. Under the terms of the settlement agreement, there is no admission of wrongdoing by the City or any police officers, and funds available through the City’s insurance policy will be used to make a one-time payment of $500,000 to the family.

The settlement allows the City to avoid substantial litigation costs associated with trial proceedings and provides a measure of closure to the Gracia family following a protracted period of legal action, after the family filed lawsuit in 2015.

On May 17, 2012, Malcolm Gracia died after an encounter in the Temple Landing neighborhood in which he stabbed a New Bedford Police Detective with a hunting knife. Police had first attempted to subdue Gracia with a Taser, ordering him to drop his knife as he moved toward another detective; after this failed to stop Gracia, two detectives at the scene then shot and killed him.

The Bristol County District Attorney’s office concluded in its report of the incident that “[T]his shooting, although tragic, was justified under the circumstances,” given the officers’ repeated attempts to avoid the use of deadly force in subduing Gracia after ordering him to drop his weapon following the stabbing.

After the incident, the City initiated a citywide dialogue facilitated by the U.S. Department of Justice, at the City’s request. An action planned was signed in 2013 and has continued to be carried out, continuing efforts to strengthen relations between youth and police including partnerships with community organizations to build trust and improve communication in the city.

In the nearly eight years since the incident, the New Bedford Police Department has continued to dedicate time and resources to comprehensive training for all officers, including a review of all patrol training and mandatory training courses for all sworn officers annually, annual use-of-force training, annual reasonable suspicion and probable cause training, anti-discrimination and fair and impartial policing training, and reviews of internal affairs practices and video monitoring equipment of the department. The Department has institutionalized these practices.

Mayor Jon Mitchell said, “As the late Police Chief David Provencher noted in the wake of the incident, ‘This whole thing is a tragedy all around. The family has lost a son. The officers’ lives have been altered. No officer comes away from the loss of life unscathed.’ Since the incident, the neighborhood and Police Department have worked hard to build trust and strengthen communication together. Our police force, led by Chief Cordeiro, has continued to focus on a community-based approach to policing that fosters trust and dialogue to best protect and serve all of New Bedford’s residents.”

New Bedford Police Chief Joseph Cordeiro said, “The New Bedford Police Department remains committed to fostering a spirit of trust among residents and officers in our community. The mission of our Department is to protect and serve the people of our city, and our officers are dedicated to that mission every day in the effective community policing they practice in New Bedford.”

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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