City of New Bedford photo.

City of New Bedford makes infrastructure enhancements throughout the city


“As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing the infrastructure of New Bedford, here’s a roundup of our recent construction activities 🚧🛠️

  • Last week, our contractor was busy resetting curbing on Commercial Street in preparation for upcoming sidewalk installations. This work is essential for enhancing pedestrian access and safety in the area.
  • The same contractor regraded Commercial Street to set the stage for paving the binder, ensuring a smoother ride for vehicles in the future.
  • Safety is a priority! Our contractor has been repainting yellow high-visibility crosswalks to improve pedestrian safety on Page Street.
  • Our team continued this effort on East Rodney French Blvd, ensuring these critical safety features are visible to all road users.
  • City crews practiced shutting the Hurricane Barrier gates last week as part of our yearly maintenance routine. This essential procedure helps ensure the City is prepared for possible future storm surges and flooding.
  • Our contractor has also been working hard on Commercial Street, lining the sewer main and making several spot repairs to maintain our vital wastewater infrastructure.
  • On Elm Street, our City welder was seen performing repairs on a streetlight, ensuring our streets remain well-lit and safe for everyone.
  • Additionally, our contractor has been busy removing light foundations and grading sidewalks along Elm Street, contributing to a cleaner and more accessible environment.”-City of New Bedford.

All photos by the City of New Bedford:

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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