Canon’s Project Imagin8ion


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By Adam DiOrio

A few months ago we did a story on local photographer Frank C. Grace and his beautiful photographs of New Bedford.  Last month we had a great article by Amanda Lawrence on New Bedford’s Orpheum.  This week comes word that those two topics have come together in the form of a photo contest.

One of Frank’s photos of the Orpheum was chosen as a finalist for Project Imagin8ion, the first user-generated photo contest in history to inspire a Hollywood short film.  Ron Howard, with the help of Canon and the Project Imagin8ion community, selected 8 imaginative photos to set the stage for his next production. These 8 winning photos will inspire the 8 movie themes for this film: Setting, Time, Character, Mood, Relationship, Goal, Obstacle and The Unknown.

The photo, called “Desperation in Restoration,” was entered in the “Goal” category of the contest.  It is one of the 30 semi-finalists for that category out of many, many thousands.  “I cannot believe that out of thousands of photographs, one of my New Bedford Orpheum pictures has been selected as one of 30 semi-finalists for the Canon Project Imagin8ion,” Frank said.  “It’s even more special because the contest is being judged by Ron Howard himself!”

"Desperation in Restoration." Clicking on the photo will bring you to the voting page.

Winning this photo contest would not only be great for Frank personally, but also for the Orpheum itself.  An organization called O.R.P.H, Inc. (Orpheum Rising Project Helpers) is trying to raise money and awareness to help restore the Orpheum, and winning a national photo contest with a picture of the Orpheum would go a long way to spreading the word.  Frank, the organization’s vice president, said “We are O.R.P.H. are hoping that the photo does well in the contest, to hopefully get some nation-wide recognition for the group and our goal to restore the Orpheum.  To do this we need as many votes as we can get.”

To vote please click HERE.  You don’t need to register to be able to vote, and there is nothing to fill out at all.  You just have to click the “Share/Vote” button, and then “Vote for this Image.” I encourage others to share the link on their Facebook page (there is a link for that within the link).  Even getting into the finals would be pretty big news for O.R.P.H., Inc. and New Bedford in general!

The popular vote is taking place right now and ends at this Thursday, June 23rd, at 11:59PM.  That’s tomorrow night so make sure to vote! It literally takes less than 30 seconds to place your vote.  Let’s help Frank win this contest and help O.R.P.H., Inc. get some national exposure for their cause.  Restoring the Orpheum will help the restoration of New Bedford!

About AdmDiOrio8

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One comment

  1. I cannot thank you enough for the support Adam! You rock!

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