Chloe Harding Update: Bone Marrow Donor Found!

chloe olivia
Chloe Olivia Harding gives the world a smile.

On January 18th, NewBedfordGuide posted a story about Chloe Harding, a four-month old baby who was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia (ALL).  Now, nearly a month later, Baby Chloe is well into her battle against this horrible disease.  The treatment is aggressive and grueling, but Chloe has proven that she is a fighter.  Her doctors are pleased, as she is responding to the treatment, but there are still leukemia cells in her body, so her struggle continues everyday.  However, she still has a ways to go in her arduous journey to beat ALL.

Inspired by Chloe and her story, a town and a community have come together in ways few could have envisioned.  The citizens of Rochester have banded together to support The Hardings and their brave little baby.  Rochester, however, has not been alone.  Donations have come pouring in from throughout Massachusetts and beyond.  The story of Baby Chloe has reached far and wide, touching the hearts of every person who hears it.  It has also motivated many people to take action.

Over the past few months there have been many successful fundraisers to help Chloe her family, from comedy shows to poker tournaments to hair cut-a-thons.  There was even a bone marrow drive held in Rochester earlier this month.

Earlier this week, on Thursday, Chloe reached the 100 day mark of her treatment; that’s almost half of her young life spent going through chemo and other treatments.  However, the Hardings did receive some good news last week in regards to a bone marrow donor, which Lindsay announced on Chloe’s Prayer Page on Facebook:

“Alrighty… we’ve been told that Chloe has a match!! We won’t get to know who it is until a year from now and won’t be told anything other than it is a “young male.”  Now we are just praying we can get through our last round of chemo, and then it will be onto the bone marrow transplant after that… THANK YOU GOD for all the miracles!!”

Thank you to everyone out there for their prayers.  It’s been a tough road so far, and there is still a ways to go, but progress is being made, and the announcement that a bone marrow donor has been found is very good news indeed.

About AdmDiOrio8

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One comment

  1. Praying for baby Chloe, a heart wrenching story. Am so happy a donor was founfd for this beautiful little girl. Praying fo a speedy and full recovery. And to Chloe’s Mom and Dad, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I am hope NBG, will keep letting the public know of updates of her recovery. Such a beautiful little princess.

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