An Interview with Butch McCarthy


Tickets to the Moon CD Cover Butch DorriThere is something special about talented, local-musicians.  They work harder than larger, well-established musicians in producing and promoting their work and they don’t have dozens of workers coordinating, marketing and putting together their albums.  Local musicians also bring a “local flavor” to their songs and are accessible to their fans.

Last week was the culmination of months of long hours and hard work for Dori Legge, Butch McCarthy, Chris Richards, Rob Pemberton and Brian Cass.  The McCarthy & Legge band launched their latest CD titled Tickets to the Moon.  I was fortunate enough to get some time with singer, song writer and guitarist Butch McCarthy to get some details on their latest album.

1. Describe the McCarthy & Legge sound.
Sean McCarthy of the Standard-Times said it best: “The album is sophisticated, charming and richly melodic- a gathering songs that carries listeners through a variety of smooth and savory experiences, but never relinquishes its easygoing spirit and warm vibes.” We think this a very good description!

2. What was the inspiration behind the song Tickets to the Moon?
Dori had the title and it grew form there. We’re both science-fiction fans and the concept was natural. The song is about escape- getting away and starting over.

Butch McCarthy and Dori Legge3. Describe how you and Dori met and wrote your first song.
We met through mutual friends on Facebook.  After a chat we discovered we were both songwriters in slumps.  We sent each other ideas and soon a song was finished: Sugar On Top.  At that point we had not met in person.  Dori came to a show I was playing and we started writing in earnest.

4. What’s the album’s cover art all about?

We’re big fans of Shelley Cardoos’ art.  We both own works by her.  It just seemed to fit with the Tickets To The Moon theme.

5. What is your December and January playing schedule like?

Well be playing at the the Ice Chest on December 30 and the Whaling Museum New Year’s Eve! Check our website for the complete schedule.

6. How can someone purchase Tickets to the Moon or McCarthy & Legge previous songs?
You can order our music on our website. You can download it right to your iPod. You can also send us and email at:  We’ll mail one to ya! Find us on facebook (we’re there all the time). Copies are available at the Zeiterion Theater Box Office. Our music will soon be available at other retail outlets including Baker Books.


About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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