11 Things I Didn’t Know Until I Moved Here


7. A Place Where Being Anonymous Ain’t Gonna Happen: I remember freaking out when I ran into my neighbor working as a pharmacist within a week of arriving. Once when walking to an interview in Onset, TWO cars pulled up and asked who I was looking for. Apparently it was obvious I didn’t belong there. When I finally told one woman, she said, “Oh, that’s my nephew!”–true story. Also, it’s impossible going out for an extended period of time without seeing a familiar face.

8. Cranberry Bogs: Aside from a vague memory of seeing a photo of one, I knew nothing about cranberry bogs. And before you call me ignorant, I’ve had several out-of-town guests who have confessed the same thing. But nothing like devouring a fresh cranberry during harvest season.

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About laurap

- Laura Pedulli is a freelancer writer and journalist in SouthCoast, Mass.

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  1. wicked ahsum ahticle !!!!

  2. Great insight. Glad you like it here. hope you will learn to love the area like me and my fellow New Beige family.

  3. You did forget one amazing thing that surprised me. A lot of people born and raised in New Bedford don’t realize the full history of the city. I was shocked. I realized this when my kids were in elementary school and studied black history. The Underground Railroad ended in New Bedford. What an amazing tour and very informative especially if you like history. I’m a southern belle born and raised. I raised my kids in New Bedford an when my nest emptied I moved back home. I miss New Bedford

  4. Philip S. Whiting

    Number 12 should be see Fairhaven High School during open house.

  5. Have you learned how to pronounce scallop (scoll (as in scald or all) -up) correctly? it bothers the hell out of me when most every TV personality and TV chef pronounce it incorrectly. Since we land the most “scollups” in the country, we certainly know how to pronounce it correctly here in Greater New Bedford. Mic drop.

  6. What’s this “FAIR-haven” – “fair-HAVEN” nonsense?

    I grew up on Rivet Street.

    Everybody knows it’s pronounced Fai-ayve

    …..ai corisco…….

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