City, Police Union Announce Agreement on 4-Year Contract

New Bedford Police by Josh St. Germain.

New Bedford Mayor Jon Mitchell and New Bedford Police Union President Hank Turgeon announced today that they have reached an agreement for a new 4-year labor contract. Mayor Mitchell and Union President Turgeon announced the agreement at a press conference in City Hall alongside New Bedford Police Chief David Provencher, City Chief Financial Officer Ari Sky, members of the City Council as well as members of the Police Union’s contract negotiating team.

Mayor Mitchell said, “I am pleased that we have reached an agreement with fair and equitable terms, I am proud that both sides bargained in good faith throughout the process, and I appreciate the dedicated service the men and women of the department provide.”

“We have one of the finest and most professional police departments in the Commonwealth, and the terms of the contract reflect how much we all value the department’s contribution to the community,” said Police Chief David Provencher.

“We are pleased to have reached an agreement that is not only fair to the members of our union, but to the taxpayers of the City. We appreciated that Mayor Mitchell sees the value in our officers attaining a higher education which in turn helps us to better police the city, said New Bedford Police Union President Hank Turgeon.

The new 4-year contract covers the period from July 1, 2011 through June 28, 2015. The police union had been working without a contract since the prior agreement expired in June of 2011. No wage increases are granted for the first two years of the new police contract. For the remainder of the contract, police wages will increase 1.5% on January 1, 2014; 1% on July 1, 2014; 1.5% on January 1, 2015, and finally 1.5% on June 28, 2015.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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One comment

  1. The mayors thoughts about the police department are so wrong, if he knew how crooked these cops are he would replace each and every one of them. They watch the backs of criminals that say they work for the police department and don’t, they know where they live and who they are and let them keep doing it. To hell with paying my taxes for their salary. Yea they do some good but only for who they want and the fame and glory.

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