New Bedford Whaling Museum
The New Bedford Whaling Museum on Johnny Cake Hill - photo by David Lepine.

New Bedford Guide’s Photo Submission Guidelines

Michael Silvia
by Michael Silvia

Photos are always popular on New Bedford Guide’s Facebook page. Some of the more popular photos that we’ve shared on our wall have reached over 10,000 people. For example, our recent posting of Jim Ferreira’s amazing Lincoln Park Comet Roller Coaster photo reached over 17,800 people in just a few days. It had over 3,171 likes and was shared by 409 people at the time of this writing. From the popularity of last year’s photo contests, to the Facebook page posting of local photos, many of the photographers have contacted me stating that they’ve gotten several photography jobs based on people noticing their work. Posting photos of the south coast, Massachusetts area is beneficial to New Bedford Guide (we get content) and great for the photographers (they potentially get jobs, Facebook page likes and/or traffic to their websites). I’ve been asked by a lot of of people about submitting some photos, so here are our guidelines for photographers, amateur or professional, on submitting photos to us.



  • All photos should be submitted to
  • Photos should be large and of good quality, but no larger than 5 MB is size. If you can get them to 1-2 MB even better!
  • Photos should be of the South Coast, Massachusetts region, but if you feel other photos would be great to share feel free to send them to us! For example, here are some great photos of the Thanksgiving Day Parade in Plymouth.
  • You can submit a single photo, or a group of photos. If you submit a group of photos, I will create a gallery on our Facebook page. Examples here.
  • I recommend that you watermark your photos. These photos are your property. You are simply giving us permission to use your photos for our Facebook page. We will also use your photos as stock images for our future articles, but full credit will be given to you.
  • Provide us a link to your Facebook page or website. Whatever you want us to promote! We will give you full credit and drive traffic to you.
  • If your photo is more relevant for our Fairhaven Guide or Dartmouth Guide Facebook Pages, we will post them there.
  • We reserve the right to decline posting of any photos submitted to us.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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  1. Hello…you have posted for me before. My name is Laura and I am the medical benefits coordinator with Dog Tags Navigators. I am having a FUNDraiser for our veterans. I was wondering if you could put the flyer up on your web page? Look forward to hearing back from you. It’s of February 17th

  2. Lost dog found at the school. Very loving. Found at the school at 7 AM no tags

  3. getting out of work heading on 240 Fairhaven I had to pull over and take this beautiful photo

  4. Here is a photo of the sunrise at the Ferhaven bridge

  5. Recently some one sent a picture about a barrel that was in the street in New Bedford. The assumption was that like thousands of other barrels left to hold car spaces in NB because of neighbors who are not courteous about the parking needs of their neighbors, it was holding a space for a car. The fact of the matter it had garbage that had not been picked up and this can be verified by the calls made to ABC. That is why on the weekend, trucks were picking garbage all over NB including the one in the picture. ABC gives great service but that day the garbage got stuck and it had to be emptied again.

    The epidemic of meaness has come to NB. WATCH OUT!

  6. DNB rally edited photos by Tim Raymond

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