New Bedford Guide Spotlight Article Service

New Bedford Guide can be a great way to promote your business or event! We reach 500,000 – 1 million people each week. One of the best services that we offer to promote your business to 10s of thousands of people is our Spotlight Article Service. Contact to set up an appointment.

About The Service

There is no better way to market your business, products or services than with a New Bedford Guide spotlight article. We will write up a detailed article that will feature everything about your business to include the history, owners, products/services and include some photos.

There are immediate and long-term benefits for your business. First, the article will be featured on the front page of where we have over 250,000 readers each month as well as posted to our popular Facebook and Twitter pages that reach over 500,000 people each week. Second, your article will do well in Google and other search engines for years to come. As people search for your product or services they will find your spotlight that will generate leads for your business.


Our spotlight articles cost $350 and are published within a week of ordering. Contact us to set up an appointment.

Spotlight Examples





About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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  1. I would like to set up an appointment for a spotlight.

  2. Fabulous foundations has moved,and I’d like to run an ad to announce opening, and new location. We’re in construction at the moment, but tentative date is Monday April 14.

    Contact: Nancy Espindola 508.264.0935 or e-mail listed above.

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