Fairhaven’s Top Ten (Almost) Forgotten Landmarks

Fairhaven Water Tank Berdon Plaza

Having grown up in nearby Fairhaven during the 80s, I was excited to come across a video on YouTube of a car filming Fairhaven as it went along Route 6. After a good 30 minutes of rewinding, pausing and exclaiming “Hey!” I thought to myself this is something that HAS to be shared. I can’t recall how many times I have reminisced with friends about all our favorite establishments growing up. To accompany the video, I thought it would be fun to bring up all of the favorite spots that I could recall. But since my memory is pretty dismal, and since a two way conversation is so much more interesting, I was hoping that the readers could chime in with corrections or additions. So without further ado, and in no particular order let’s take a stroll down memory lane!

1. Fairhaven Water Tower
This water tower stood near where Burger King is today. It was built in 1902 and replaced an earlier one that was erected in 1887. It’s first incarnation was one of the first elevated water-tanks with a curved bottom ever erected in the country and one of the largest of the type built up to this time. After it’s rivets let loose the water tower burst on November 19, 1901. A year later the new one was erected, dubbed Baby Blue and lasted until 1988.

2. A&W
A&W Root Beer was where Honey Dew donuts stands today and had those famous Root Beer floats that we all loved so dearly. There was something special about their root beer that they have been brewing since 1919. It was the site of my first Bacon Cheeseburger. There was no other burger “joint” you could go to and have a hamburger and a hot dog!

3. Barbero’s Pizza & Sub Shop
This was THE spot for pizza in Fairhaven for the longest time. I vaguely remember the variety of toppings, but remembering there being a lot to choose from. I didn’t like thin pizza anywhere else. Barbero’s always loaded their pies with generous amounts of toppings. Save 10 coupons and get a FREE pizza! WOO HOO! This was my brother’s favorite place to eat whenever he would get a break from military duty. We always bee-lined it for Barbero’s. This was right next door to A&W and there was even a mini-golf course right next door, but don’t recall whether it was a separate business or part of Barbero’s. They closed their doors in 1998. If you want a ton of great old photos of Barbero’s there is even a “Remembering Barbero’s” Facebook!

About Joe Silvia

When Joe isn't writing, he's coaching people to punch each other in the face. He enjoys ancient cultures, dead and living languages, cooking, benching 999#s, and saving the elderly, babies and puppies from burning buildings. While he enjoys long walks on the beach, he will not be your alarm clock, because he's no ding-a-ling.

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  1. no star store in fairhaven and where the bowling alley was is where the poor farm was and mammoth mart was a big yard the house that was there is now behind the old and gone mutal gas station that at one time sold guns, almac’s was where bennys is today

  2. Hi Dennis! There was a Star Store in New Bedford and in Fairhaven. The one in Fairhaven was in Berdon Plaza as was the Almac’s. If you watch the attached video you can see Benny’s where Benny’s is today and the Almac’s and Star Store in the locations mentioned in the article. Don’t take my word for it. Watch the video.

    • The Star Store opened in Fhvn aft it closed in New Bedford.

    • No star store in Fairhaven your information all wrong Dennis Borges is right

      • Hi Marie! There was a Star Store in Fairhaven. You don’t have to take my word for it, but watch the video at 2:05.

        My information comes from simply watching the video embedded within the article. Here’s a screenshot for you:


        Go to the video at 2:05 and see for yourself.

        In addition, I got a confirmation from local historian Christopher Richard, who had this to say:

        “We did, in fact have Star Store in Fairhaven. It was where Shaw’s is/was now in Berdon Plaza, but Shaw’s rebuilt that whole store. As a department store it was Mammoth Mart originally, then Zaire, Ames and Star Store.”

        • Janet Gouveia Rusinsoki

          The mini gold course at Barbero’s was owned by Barbero’s. I worked at barbero’s for 30 years.

        • Hey Joe, I’m glad that someone remembers star store in Fairhaven. And then star store was turned into ames. Hey, wasn’t there a stuarts in the kmart plaza. What was between ames and kmart? I know there was another department store between ames and kmart… I’m trying to remember. In New Bedford, next to savers thrift store, there was an ames store. What was ames (next to savers) before it’s conversion?
          It must have been a bradllees or a star store.
          In North Dartmouth, where stop & shop is… wasn’t their a Kmart there before Stop &Shop was built.

        • Hey Joe,
          Today in Fairhaven, next to Benny’s theirs people’s super Liquors.
          I believe that People’s Liquors next to Benny’s was an A & P Supermarket. Because i’m sure A & P was not in the Kmart plaza.
          I’m sure that next to Kmart was another department store.
          As a kid going to the department store or a grocery store was one of my favorite past times.
          Most guys hate shopping; I would go window shopping and bargain hunting from store to store for movies, movie soundtracks, and decorations for every possible holiday.
          I love stores. Woolworths and Anne & Hope were my favorite stores.

        • I got my 1st job at Fernandes Supermarket in 1967 after they took over a People’s Supermarket I believe. I can’t tell you how many linguica pizzas and sandwiches I ate at Barbero’s

      • Sorry, Star Store was in that plaza. It was originally Mamouth Mart. It has also been the location if Zayre/Ames stores. I don’t need to watch the video, but you and Dennis should. Joe us right. I also remember that site before there was ever a plaza there. Big green pastures with white fences and a low green house on the land. The house was moved over behind the old Mutual Station, off Shirley St.

    • Joe – There were only two Star Stores, the original one in downtown New Bedford and the one you mentioned in Fairhaven. The stores were owned by the Gorin family who owned many other similar stores in other communities across New England, but they went by different names. For instance, in Fall River, Swansea (in the Swansea Mall) and Brockton, the stores went by the Edgar’s name. North and west of Boston, the stores were called Gorin’s. I worked for that company in their New Bedford and Fall River stores back in the 70’s.

  3. I remember there was also Almy’s where Mammoth Mart was. Buger Chef used to be where Burger King is today and there used a be a beauty saloon before Buger Chef. In the early 70’s my best friend Jaqui Barney used to ride our bikes up and down Huttlestone Ave (Routd 6). There was nothing but open space before you came to New Port Creamy, Almacs, Archie Kent, than of course there was Mammoth Mart. I used to love shopping there. Those days I miss so much. We didn’t see very many cars on the road.

  4. Almac’s was where BoatUS and the Chinese Buffet were. Mammoth Mart/ Star Stores/ Kings are now where Shaws is. Staples was were either BPM or A&P was. Kmart was always were is is. Bennys was Fernandes Supermarket. Inside Fernandes was Peoples Package store. The parking lot behind Sears was where the water tower was.

    • Hey Eric Birkeland,

      Where Dollar Tree and Staples is in Fairhaven there used be Stuart’s Dept. Store back in the 80s… It was smack in the middle of Ames and Kmart. Stuart’s did close down in 1995 and then Ames, Fairhaven closed it’s doors in 1998.

    • Hey Eric Birkeland,

      Where Dollar Tree and Staples is in Fairhaven there used be Stuart’s Dept. Store back in the 80s… It was smack in the middle of Ames and Kmart. Stuart’s did close down in 1995 and then Ames, Fairhaven closed it’s doors in 1998.

  5. Bowling alley?? Pay that place it’s due respect! 😀

    Kidding.. It was Bowlers Country Club though.. Tons of memories from my younger years there..

    • Back in the early 1960’s My aunt had a home across the street from the bowling alley. In those days it was called The Atlantic Ten Pins Lanes. Her home stood right where rt.240 is today right next door to the old Havenwood Motel.

    • Bowlers Country Club was the best. Lots of great memories and met people that are still very good friends of mine today. Kept alot of us kids in tough areas out of…well “real” trouble anyway..lol. Loved that place

    • Growing up there was fun a lot of good times

  6. The First National Bank of Fairhaven, A&W the old style with car hops, then laundramat before it was Howard Motors, then The origninal Manny Bob Gas station, along with Fernandes Supermarket with People’s Liquor store – a little section of the store.

    Before Midas Muffler – Darlings Flower shop then Mister Donut, Burger Chef, Dick’s Gulf Station with the pumpkins at halloween and Cecil’s Barber Shop at the original Alden Road intersection…oh the list goes on.!

  7. Hi Joe,

    I shot that video with our family’s first video camera, a 20 pound over the shoulder special. I wish I had shot more. What was the name of the Chinese restaurant on the left heading east on Rt. 6 that burned (after becoming Good’s used cards)? ALso…remember what was in the building that Comcast is in now? And lastly, anyone remember the Havenwood Motel that is now occupied by the current Walgreens and former Uno’s?

  8. Oh yea…and Hanrahan’s radiator shop on the left heading east across from GBK.

  9. Thanks for the clarification Joey. I actually had to go by memory on that one as I couldn’t find anything online. Too many concussions prevented me from recalling many details. 😉

    Tim, your video was the inspiration for the article. Great stuff. I can’t recall what was at Comcast, but going to ask a few friends. Someone will recall. I DO remember the Chinese restaurant because it was a Friday ritual for me and my friends Ed and Ron. Pu Pu Platter and Scorpion bowls after getting paid. We would walk in the door and not even order. It would just be brought. What a great interior too! Food, service….it was a ll there. I have no idea why it disappeared.

    Yeah….I waited until the end for the name! Got to build the tension! CHONG HING’S!

    Also, I want to add. The article was Rt. 6-centric. However, Chris’ variety was THE place to get penny candy. Hands down.


    The good old havenwood motel. I used to work there when i was in 7th grade. Used to mow the grass. Cardozas liquors was on the southwest corner of rte6 and sconticut neck rd. before the current plaza. Lancaster video across from stop and shop. Zares was where shaws is. Walmart plaza was an overgrown field. Teds farm equipment, is that still there. Behind the old exxon station. The chinese restraunt across from g. Bourne knowles, a little east of there. Newport creamery next to auto zone. Who remembers the bar stools in dunkin donuts? The shell station where 7-11 is.

  11. The Chinese Resteraunt was called Chung Hing. My father coached the little league team. Also I thought Pheonix Pharmacy deserved a little love. Finally the Fairhaven Water Tower was torn down in 1994 I remember watching them take it down during recess at Wood School!

  12. I may be biased as it was built by my uncle but Mac’s soda bar if not a landmark is a right of passage for anyone south of rt 6 and has survived most places on that list

  13. Hi Joe, I’m a displaced guy from Fairhaven, living here in the Penn Dutch country of Lancaster County, PA for the past 57 years, and have for some time been trying to find a committee or group who has interest in preserving stuff about Charles Ashley, the long-time mayor of New Bedford. Found you looking for info on the whaleman statue and those WONderful bookends. Now then, can you steer me to such a …”group”. I think I have the cradle he was in as an infant. Sound interesting…I’m trying to give it to the “museum” or whatever after I establish the provenance. Given to my pregnant wife st St. Lukes Hospital by “Mrs. Ashley”, a Grey Lady volunteer in 1953. Mrs. Ashley, at that time was O-L-D!! Dunno the relationship. How about you helping me out???

  14. Hi Gardner!! Never been to that neck of the woods, but have spent some time in Pennsylvania. Beautiful country!

    I’d imagine that either the NB Whaling Museum or the City itself may be interested. Mayor Ashley was “the man” in the local history. We interact with both the museum and city officials on a daily basis and will mention it. If you have any snapshots of the cradle and an asking price, could you send it to nbgarts@gmail.com?

    As for the “Mrs. Ashley”, it may have been his second wife Julia A. Purnington as his first wife Annie Budlong Butler died in 1890. Mayor Ashley lived until 1941, aged 83 and his wife was likely younger than he was. Interesting!

  15. Hi Joe, I thought I’d nevah find you again, but here I yam. I will send a photo of the cradle to the email address you gave in your reply, and be advised that I have, in the past, tried the Library, the Old Dartmouth Society, asked for an archivist, asked the postmaster..for crying out loud, he was, as you said, “The Man”..mayor for what?? 35 years??? Ashley Blvd and all that??? I well remember the water tank and the video shows it in a flash aty the beginning.
    My in-laws lived across from FHS at 17 Huttleston Ave. I am having trouble typing here, so i wll quit. More later, I hope. Love ya!! Gardner.

  16. Gardner, New Bedford is always shooting itself in the foot. I’m often amazed that it is successful in spite of “shaking my head” moments with officials and citizens alike. Ashley is a BIG deal and iconic figure in New Bedford and the nation’s history. I wouldn’t be surprised if those you spoke to had no idea who he is/was.

    High School has built a large addition and all of Rte 6 in Fairhaven is undergoing major renovation and beautification. If you came back to the area, there would be some you’d recognize and a lot you wouldn’t.

    Hope life in Pennsylvania has treated you well.


  17. Hey, what’s this CAPTCHA Code” business. I write a long email, hit “post” and ir don’t go…whazza matter???

    PUH-LEEZE lemme know, OK??? (That’s IF this one goes OK).


  18. We got your e-mail Gardner! We’re going to pass the info and image around and see what comes out of it!

  19. Hi Joe, missed the last captcha code, so gotta type it again.
    Thanks for a reply…not many webmasters(?) even CHECK their mail, let alone answer it. Keep me informed of what’s happening with the cradle thing. “My” Mrs. Ashley was about 90 years old in 1953, so dates look good. I have a picture of her with the hospital clinic group, so I’ll try to find that and send it.
    Thanks again, Gardner.

  20. Before Brooks. It was Archer Kent pharmacy next to mammoth mart

  21. Hi Joe,

    I sure hope I didn’t blow the Captcha code thingy, as i dunnio if that’s a “3” or what. I sent a note to YOUR email addresss, and now I’ll try this. Whats’ going on (if anything) with the Ashley stuff?? I sent pictures of the woman i knew a “Mrs. Ashley” with others at the St. Luke’s Clinic at the time (1953). Puhleeze let me hear from you one way or t’other, OK??

  22. I sent something earlier like “Belay that last word”…NO!! THAT was on YOUR email, so pardonais moi!! Lemme hear from you, OK?? Good or bad, either way.

    Regards, Gardner.

  23. Maddy Maddy, Chicken Paddy

    When the carrousel had a skate park, inside 🙂 totally awsome

  24. I also got here from a Whalemen’s statue search. I could add a few other notable landmarks of yesteryear. How about Browne’s Pharmacy with it’s old fashioned soda fountain? … or, a block away, Guy’s Pharmacy. Then there used to be three summer clambake places within just a few miles of each other: Brown’s Pavillion on Sconticut Neck, Gaudette’s Pavillion in Acushnet, and another one (can’t remember the name) down at Fort Phoenix. I remember when Huttleston Avenue was lined with stately homes before it got strip-mallized, and when H.H. Rogers’ statue greeted folks driving over the bridge from New Bedford.

    • Dennis Cunningham

      Hi Cousin Terry! How about Cox’s Candies? They were there till just a few years ago. I remember once a year for xmas they would put booze in the candies. And Gene’s fried clams? Good even though they never changed the grease in those days! 🙂

  25. The bowling alley was Bowler’s Country Club. I had my first job there working as a waitress in the Snack Bar back in 86/87! Used to love going to the drive in when I was a kid it was a treat to go after my dad got back from Nat’l Guard duty in the summers.

  26. Having lived in New Bedford until the age of 10 I can remember a few of these places – A & W with their car hops on skates and the $.25 glasses full of the creamy goodness – Almacs grocery store where we shopped every Saturday for the weeks groceries – also the Revere sign, that could be seen on the way home to New Bedford via the Fairhaven Bridge, lighting the sky on the left. The drive-in was a special treat on hot summer evenings, and the water tower that was visible for miles. You may be pleased to hear that the Phoenix has (or will be soon) reopening – the sign has been installed!

  27. Cynthia Bakerink Stone

    First date, Fairhaven Drive in. I remember the A&W fries with gravy on them!

  28. I remember when from the Kmart lot to Rd, was nothing but woods with ONE [1] home sitting in the middle of it all.
    the drive in was a great place, my parents took us almost every weekend. Browne’s Pharmacy with the soda fountain brings back some fond memories, along with Guy’s where I went for lunch . Browne’s is now an Antique shop? guy’s im not so sure what that is. GREAT

  29. What was the supermarket on the bridge?
    Where was Fernandes Market?
    What stood where Benny’s is now?
    And lastly, what was the name of that great little ice cream place on the north side of Huttleston? They had the best chocolate chip ice cream!!

    • The supermarket on the bridge was First National. It’s a hardware store now

      • Linda L Nichols (Dexter)

        There was a 5 & 10 Wolworths on the Fairhaven bridge in the early sixties

      • hardware store on bridge was stop and shop. first national was where cvs is . it also was s&h green stamp redemption center for a while

        • boy thanks for the memories,i remember talking about the bridge,wasn’t the Ground Round restaurant there briefly where Newsbreak and Dunkin Donuts is??? and then it became a Chinese restaurant that didn’t last too long I think?? What was the name of that Chinese rest.?? I remember my grandfather and I going in there and laughing because they would come to your table every 2 minutes and ask “more water”??? ha ha.i also fondly remember Mammoth Mart and A+W root beer and the great thin slice pizza at Barberos.Also remember Browns Pharmacy but I don’t go that far back as when they had a “working” soda fountain but it was still there.i used to buy my mother a lot of pewter figurines for her birthday and Xmas.My Grandfather owned the restaurant b4 it was Andy’s next to Browns pharm.He also owned that big historic house on Middle St. that was right next to the house that was next to the Masons bldg.it was my grandfathers house then a house across the street easterly then next to that the Masons then Browns to give u a better idea.What a huge beautiful house I remember as a kid.you could get lost in that house it was sooo big ha ha.In the back of the house was a parking lot and some bar on the corner but mainly it was a shipyard.Also remember Wah Mays baby!!! the best!! I used to love having orange soda w my chow mein ha ha.great memories!!! I also remember Guys Pharmacy cause I used to buy pinkie balls to play step ball with cause I had the perfect steps for it and buying comic books and Archie digest comics and candy of course. I used to get my haircut as a boy at James I think it was called.it was right across from Cumbys on main st.I remember the nice lady who worked there,she was sooo nice!!! wow I could keep going thanks for all the memories guys ooh what about the boys club on Washington wow I grew up in that place,shame they closed that down.

    • That was Roger Ice Cream.

  30. This was a great article! I remember more than half of these places! 😀
    Fairhaven has gotten a lot more boring,in my lifetime…

  31. still have my A&W glasses-one of each size-from that store. And I remember bowling every Thursday night with 3 friends, driving from Wareham, at the Lanes .Ahh, for the good ole days.

  32. The Comcast building in my youth, late 50’s, early 60’s, was “Buddy’s Fish and Chips” owned by Buddy Perry. Buddy was great to all of the kids in the area and was one of the biggest Yankee fans I ever met. He used to torment all of us Red Sox fans in those days, but we forgave him because he was such a great guy. Also someone earlier mentioned the A&W car hops on skates. During my time the car hops never wore skates, I know because my wife was one.

  33. yes I remember alot of these places but know ones mentioned Gene’s Seafood or the Video Game Arcade across from Friendly’s. I do remember Chong Hing and Chris’ Variety was right up the street from my house, used to love to go there for candy and such. I have fond memories of walking up and down Rte 6 to get to the bowling alley and skate plus. I loved Burger Chef as a kid cuz I could put whatever I wanted on the burgers. My first job was at Pasta House as a dishwasher and having to walk home at 2 in the morning was always cool because of the lack of people on the road, something you couldn’t experience during the daylight hours.

  34. The Ground Round on the Fairhaven side of the bridge was where I used to love to go as a kid. Everytime you drove past there you could smell the hamburgers. Mike’s Pizza on Route 6 near the Mattapoisett Town Line is an institution. The best linguica pizza.

    • ha ha yeah Thomas I just found this great site and I just asked if anybody remembered Ground Round!! but do you remember the Chinese restaurant that took it’s place?? I can’t remember the name but went there a few times w my Grandfather!!! they would constantly ask us “want more water”?? ha ha

      • That was “Tofu” owned by a great guy named Lonnie.

        That was a “real” Chinese Restaurant – no buffet (until the bridge killed their business) and high end Chinese. They would take your jacket off and push your chair in for you.

        They had a Mongolian Hot Pot and a great bar. That was such a great place.


        • oh yeah another great place I remember as a kid was when I was with my mom and we were leaving Mattapoisett to come home to bridge st. we would stop at the GREAT ROSELAWN FARMS!!! RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE POLICE AND FIRE STATION ON WASHINGTON ST. OHH MAN we used to bring home Thanksgiving dinners that at least when I was growing up was absolutely my favorite takeout in Fairhaven!!!! anybody remember how darn good those dinners were??? then if I remember correctly they closed and became a jewelry store. that was a heartbreaker.


          • My uncle, Albert Gonsalves, and his wife, Mary, owned Roselawn Farms. My uncle passed in 1968, and Aunt Mary has been gone a long time too. I don’t remember when the store closed, bu their son, Al, Jr.(Sonny) and his wife, Arlene, lived in the house on the old farm property. I knowArlene passed a few years ago, but I don’t know about Sonny.

  35. Growing up in the 80s, I always remember places on Main Street. Food Town, Newbury’s Video Rental, Galaxy Pizza and, of course, The Bijou movie theater

  36. How about the Ground Round .Being Sta at State Peir in New Bedford we would run over to Fairhaven Bridge to the Ground Round …Cutter Bibb Sailor!!!!

  37. My uncle, aunt and many cousins lived “Down the Neck” commonly known as Sconticut Neck Rd. I recall family gatherings at the “Capalogue”, where most walked in and staggered out! Unk had a scallop dragger out of New Bedford for many years, retiring in the 70’s We loved going to the beach there, watching Horseshoe Crabs and digging for Quahogs. We would beg for some change to go to the store down the road to buy “punks”, candy cigarettes, and little wax bottles filled with sweet syrup. Recently rode past the family home and it is beautifully redone.

  38. I got my first basketball from the Green Stamp store where CVS is now.

  39. So wonderful to see so many who love Fairhaven. I praise God for all my memories and friends. Will have to visit some day. God Bless you all. 863-206-6564 text pics of fhvn anyone anytime.

  40. Oh my goodness, I LOVE this site! I don’t even know how I got here, but it is going into My Favorites! The great ice cream place on Rt. 6 was Roger’s and their chocolate chip ice cream was chocolate with molasses chocolate chips and sugar cones. The Best! It also was a small eat in place with wooden booths. I worked there as a waitress while in FHS. Remember Dot’s Donuts? It was this tiny place next to Rogers. I remember Dot. The A&P was on the island between NB and Fairhaven, right before the “old” bridge. I used to go every Friday night with my mother. Last I was there, the buildings were still there, but no A&P..;o( The Nest on Rt. 6 was the place to go for pizza, the best linquica pizza. I saw my first color TV there! I lived in the center and spent lots of time at Browne’s Drug Store. Had the best cherry cokes! Gladys worked there…..anyone remember her? Oh yes, the Congo Dances at the center Congregational Church on Friday nights and the Mattapoisett wharf dances in the summer? Miss Fairhaven so much and especially the Town Beach and ocean. No family left there but 4 generations “passed” through the family house on William St. I do go back there when I can. Never miss a FHS reunion. Oh boy, I could go on and on. McLeans Fish store? Thanks to everyone else here for the other memories. Such fun!

    • Yes, Rogers ice cream! The best chocolate-chocolate chip ice cream ever !! Does anyone remember the exact spot? Was it where The Phoenix restaurant is now.? And also where was Ma Raffas exactly? Near there on that side somewhere, but where?

      • ma raffas and a beauty parlor were to the east of aa auto (manny and bobs) and the closed gas station between station and rt 240. I also think that gas station was battistelli’s when I was a kid. he also sold guns and moved to mattapoissett on rt 6

        • The shed behind the closed gas station next to Bob and Manny’s was at one time a Thai take-out restaurant, ran by two sisters. They made very good, spicy, authentic Thai food. I miss them.

  41. Don’t forget Dorothy Cox’s Candy Store❤️

  42. thanks for another interesting article, joe (although it took me a while to see this one : ) …. & thanks for mentioning Barbero’s !!

  43. What about DOT”S Donuts…. The best ever..

  44. Where was Poor Richard’s Faire Tomes? I used to go there with a few dollars and buy a bunch of books. Anyone remember?

  45. How about the Oxford Cinema — bought by Webber Torre in the early ’70s and named the Bijou. Good second run flicks fr a $buck

  46. Lot of remembrances here..Barberos was the best sub sandwich place in town. Played mini golf there on H.S. Dates. I loved the chocolate chip ice cream at Roger’s dairy. I worked next door at Tri-S (old colony) gasoline.

    • Have to throw this comment in about Barbero’s. I loved their meatball subs! i moved north in the early 80’s but my family still lived in Fairhaven, so i would visit every few months. Every time I would visit, I’d have to stop at Barbero’s for their meatball sub. When I was going to Fairhaven High (graduated in 1970) one of my classmates, Chuck Martin (who was also the bass player in my first band “The Paisley Garden”), got a job at Barbero’s in the sub shop. When I would go to Barbero’s in the 80’s and I believe the early 90’s, I’d ask about Chuck and, sure enough, he’d come out from the kitchen! Then, during one visit, it was gone. Last I knew, Chuck was still in town working at Howland’s Greenhouse.

      • I remember seeing Paisley Garden at a Battle of the Bands in the Hastings Junior High auditorium (around ’67 or ’68). Must have thought the name was cool because I’ve remembered it all these years. I also remember that almost every band that night covered “In the Midnight Hour.”

  47. The name of the Clambake place at the Fort was Grimshaws. The best bakes around at that time. Don’t know when it closed but it might have been sometime in the “50’s”

  48. Wow, lots of cool memories. We used to sneak in the drive in thru the back! Soany good times… The comment about the skating rink and bowling alley cornering the dating scene was dead on.
    I miss Fairhaven.

  49. Hello…there was a Star Store in Fairhaven…it was at the old Mammoth Mart site…it was in addition to the Star Store in New Bedford. …I was a Star Store employee & went to the Fairhaven grand opening…too bad both closed…loved that job…I worked in different departments. ..Lingerie when the stores began opening on Sundays, then in the Snack Shop & Pizza counters, also did gift wrapping for the holidays…anyone remember that great machine that wound the ribbon & made the most beautiful bows..great memories! 🙂

  50. I’m pretty sure that VW Dasher Wagon that’s in front of the person taking the video was my family’s car!

  51. I love this page.Thanks for bringing so many memories back to life.When my mom would go to Barbero’s i would go to the batting cages they had out there for a short time.I can’t be sure of the dates but i’m thinking early ’80’s.Any help remembering out there?

  52. Rogers Dairy was where that new marine store is now on route 6 and a tiny donut place I think was called Dots Donuts was next to it. Also on the east side of the old shaws plaza on route 6 was Almacs not where Bennys is. It is empty now, was a Chinese buffet at one time. Jenny and Vandro Lava opened the A & W, then sold it to new owners who later sold it and Honey Dew is there now. Was the A & P where the Fairhaven Hardware is now? I think so. And how about the Bijou theatre? Sure wish that would open up.

    • Hi Christine! We discuss the confusion about Almacs above. The video shows that Benny’s is where Benny’s is today and the Almac’s and Star Store in the locations mentioned in the article.

      I spent a lot of time behind A&P with friends, but that was in the 70s and 80s and my memory is not the best. IIRC, it was in the spot adjacent to Sears Hardware – in the plaza that is there now. Perhaps someone may clear that up.

      Here is a “Who Remembers…?” on the Bijou that may evoke more positive memories.:


  53. On Holland Rd. was a Fernandes, and where Dunkin Donuts is, was Karta’s restaurant.

  54. There was Quality Donuts and Quality Cleaners across from the CVS plaza also. Frosted Donut and a “bug juice” after Mass on Sundays with Mom and Dad and my sisters!

  55. fernandes supermarket was where benny’s is. left hand side of building was peoples package store. bennys took over that space when peoples moved to new bldg.fairhaven hardware store on bridge was stop and shop. a&p and woolworths was in plaza where the strip club is. strip club was boathouse pub then gilligans. cvs was s&h green stamp redemption center. before that it was first national grocery store. fairhaven hardware was across rt 6 from carwash in bennys parking lot. its now gts tint & a phone company. across the side street going west was don’s auto parts. how about little bay super market w/ mr dias where little bay liquors is? or browns pharmacy on sconticut neck. I think its the parking lot for the daycare across from bayside lounge. I remember buddys fish and chips at prince brothers lot. ma raffas and a beauty parlor were to right of closed gas station near a&a auto( many & bobs) between rt 240. also wasn’t there a darlings green house where burger chef was? I also remember a&p in walmart plaza for a short time. it then became Edwards. then ocean state joblot. in east fairhaven on rt 6 next to carwash is a daycare ctr. it used to be a variety store where they lined roof and sidewalk w/ pumpkins in October. the name deschamp’s comes to mind. also in east fhvn rt 6 near Mattapoisett line was variety / pkg store on corner of pine grove st. mary costa made a mean frappe. can’t believe we crossed rt 6 so easily back then. except in summer when pre rt 195 meant cape traffic came thru our town. maybe they were just going to cuzzin dave’s or the nest.

    • Wow. That was a gold mine of a post. Thanks for sharing all that Pete!

    • TALKING about Cuzzin Daves does anybody have any memories of the place after that…The King Of The Road???? on rt 6 in Mattapoisett?? I grew up as a kid in that place ha ha.playing pinball,pool,pong etc.it was fun time in my childhood.of course it was an adult club at night but mom worked there in the mornings and I went there at that time and had a ball.got to know the neighbors next door who had a farm and their was a liquor store where I used to get a candy bar called Chocolite!! my Grandfather had a antique store right next to it (liquor store) also for some years.We went to Cathay Temple a lot when I was a kid man I always got the boneless chicken and fried rice and the little bowling place that seemed like it was never open!!! I’m talking mid 70’s to late 70’s early early 80’s.i was a little sad when I recently took a ride to wareham and I saw that the Cathay was not there anymore.Didn’t the same owners of Wah Mays also have a stake in the Cathay?? Always thought that WAH MAYS always had the best and most unique fried rice.


        • does anybody remember what the place was called after the King Of The Road on rt.6 in Mattapoisett closed down.i lived in Fairhaven and was still young so I didn’t really follow it closely.did it stay closed for a long time and then Tokyo’s came??? HELP JOE!!!!!

  56. I forgot. what about kenney’s variety store across diagonally from st joseph’s church. or the old catholic school acroos the street from st joseph’s that is now a parking lot. remember when the monument on fhvn high’s lawn was in the middle of rt 6?

  57. guy’s pharmacy was next door to where top music is today

  58. How about Roger’s Dairy, Mr Twenty, The Harpoon lounge, The Fort Phoenix Pavilion, Whirly’s Pavilion,
    Brown’s Pavilion, Keith’s Theater, Burger Chef & Jimmy Evans Flyer ?

  59. I was born in 1940. Lived Fairhaven, I really enjoyed reading all your comments. Still enjoy a visit there. Remember the drive in theater, been goi a long time.no place like home. Thanks

  60. Wonderful article for us OLD folks to read. Remember the “Bag Piper” on the bridge. Always crowded on weekends. It had great food.

  61. December 11, 2013 at 7:19 pm
    Rob said:
    On King’s highway in New Bedford , also was a Mammouth Mart before Ames , where Savers is now .,

    Hey Rob,
    If i’m not mistaken… On Kings Highway; where Savers is now., Ames used to be a Bradlees… Mammouth Mart must have years before it became a Bradlees… I’m sure before Ames it was a Bradlees…And before Bradlees it had to be a Mammouth Mart in that order. I’m sorry, but i must have been to young to remember Mammouth Mart. All i recall is that Bradlees is what came next then Ames came along then it closed in1998. Then Ames was suppose to become a Caldor’s dept. store.

  62. Hello,
    Does anyone remember Bradlees Dept. Store on Kings Highway?…

    It might have been next door to Stuart’s Dept Store. Stuart’s was where Flagship Cinema stands today.

    Can anyone confirm where Bradlees was located in plaza of Kings Highway?

    I always thought back in the day; the Ames on Kings Highway used be Bradlees in the early to the late 80’s.

  63. I remember a field where we used to buy corn on the Cobb on the way toScontineck Road. Was the best sweet corn ever. Forget the name, was at least 60 years ago.

  64. Stumbled upon this site by accident. Lived in Fairhaven from 1968-1978. Spent many nights at the Fairhaven bowling alley. Great memories. Member in a bowling league. Hung out in the lounge many weekends. There was a character in there known as Fireball, does anyone recall him. Also, I have seen many sites recollected except a few I remember. Does anyone recall a slot car racing track venue on Pope’s Island. I believe it was located just before the bridge. A large magazine store moved in after that. Also, one last recollection of New Bedford, Vera’s bowling alley in the basement of a store on Union St. I wonder if the lanes are still intact? I believe they closed back in the 70’s.

  65. Kenney’s penny store near St Joseph’s church
    Charlies fish and chips and Al’s package store (we used to bring in quart bottles we found and got a nickel for each and then went to penny store) further down Spring St

  66. Remember the railroad that crossed where the bike path is now

  67. Does anyone remember the name of the truck stop restaurant that was on Howland Rd where the Dunkin’ Donuts plaza is on the corner of Howland Rd Sycamore St?

    • I don’t know that but I remember Franks
      Dairy Bar at the end of Howland /Coggeshall
      The only soft serve in the area!!
      Sig Mittins Bakery on Main Street across from Brownes pharmacy down the center. Also Karls marine supply where Margaret’s restaurant is they had the best Virginia baked ham!!
      And Fireball was a nice guy. Wouldn’t harm a flea

  68. Does anyone remember the Kodak Hut that was in the middle of the parking lot at the Almacs / Mammoth Mart Plaza? You would drive up to drop off your film.

  69. Before the K-mart was built, there was a Brockton Public Market (BPM), which later became Shaw’s.

  70. What was the club where the Pasta House is now

  71. Remember the Rainbow Market on the corner of Seaview Ave. and Sconticut Neck. Penny candy and a place to hang out. Also the ” 1/4 mile” paint on the Neck!! for racing. That go’s back the early to mid 60’s.

  72. What was the name of the arcade next to Howards auto sales on Rte 6 Fhvn next to whete Cumbus is now. I think Howie Katz owned it and I beloeve his son owns Play arcade downtown. Also was there another Roselawn Farms? The one in Gairhaven I rember on Washimgton St. Also remember a Phillips Farm and La Comptes next to Truccis in the North End

  73. Chic’s House of Drums – corner of Washington & Main, across from the little Cumberlands. I put food on that owner’s table for years – bought ALL of my drumsticks, heads, cymbals, everything drum related from there from the age of 13 up. I’d ride my bike from The Neck to get my drum gear. Years later it was sold after Chic passed away and it became Top Music. Now I’m pretty sure it’s vacant.

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