Baby Safe Haven New England to respond to deadly newborn abandonment in New Bedford


News of the deadly newborn abandonment in New Bedford has greatly saddened the members of Baby Safe Haven New England. Minutes after the story broke plans were put into motion so that a full response to the tragedy would come from our organization.

Layout 1On Saturday one of our youth spokespersons will be responding at Baby Safe Haven location for a statement of how this tragedy in New Bedford could have been averted through utilization of the Massachusetts Baby Safe Haven law. At this time it is very important that the message about Baby Safe Haven law information, the hotline (866 814-SAFE) and the Mass Baby Safe Haven law web site ( be included in every news story.

The location is tentatively in Newton, at the Police Headquarters or the Newton Corner Fire Station, which both have Baby Safe Haven signs. The timeframe to look for this press availability will be between 3 and 4 PM. We will contact all media with the exact time and location around noon on Saturday.

Following this press conference Baby Safe Haven New England will renew the radio tour of Renee Marcou, our Baby Safe Haven spokesperson, that has helped us achieve a seven year and three month record of no deadly newborn abandonments. Plans will be made for the tour next week, and the appearances will begin on or around April 22.

Baby Safe Haven New England has also been vocal about the lack of youth involvement in messaging safe haven information across the country. Plans are now to accelerate the addition of many more youth spokesperson/communicators across the country.

January 6, 2014, marked exactly seven years since the last deadly newborn abandonment anywhere in New England. The last deadly abandonment in MA was in Milford on Jan. 6, 2007. This record of newborn safety is an almost exact opposite of the time period when most New England states were passing their Baby Safe Haven laws. In MA alone between May 1, 2000 and October 28, 2004 – while the bill was in the MA Legislature – there were 13 newborn abandonments, 6 were deadly, 4 babies were near death when found, and 3 were surrendered in ways similar to safe haven laws.

Baby Safe Haven New England promotes information to help women in a time of crisis through peer built trust, other states promote their authorities and their emphasis on saving babies. The Baby Safe Haven New England strategy works according to all statistics say Jean and Michael Morrisey.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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