In October 2007, District Attorney Sam Sutter launched a unique volunteer initiative within his office to make a difference in communities throughout Bristol County. To date, his staff has contributed more than 19,000 hours of service!
Each year District Attorney Sutter conducts a volunteer fair for his staff to meet with organizations and learn about volunteer opportunities. This year District Attorney Sutter would like to once again extend this volunteer fair to the general public. Representatives from a variety of non-profit organizations will staff tables in the middle of the mall
and provide patrons with information about their mission, volunteer positions, and
sign up individuals who are interested in volunteering.
Please come out and join us –you can shop around for a volunteer opportunity that matches your passion, learn new skills, share your experience, and make a difference within your community!
This is also a great opportunity for teens and young adults to fulfill community service requirements and build a resume or college application.