Zeiterion hosts Mayor’s Classic Movie Series: FREE admission to showings of classic films

After successful movie showings during presentations in the summer and winter, the Zeiterion Performing Arts Center will continue the Mayor’s Classic Movie Series, with FREE showings in March and April.

Two classic favorites will be shown on Saturday afternoons.

* The Wizard of Oz: Saturday, March 10, at 2:00 p.m.
* Casablanca: Saturday, April 28, at 2:00 p.m.

The series continues to add another attraction to downtown New Bedford and offers the opportunity for moviegoers to see these fan favorites in a movie theater.

“The classic movie series has been a popular addition to the entertainment scene in the downtown, and we hope fans of these classics will enjoy the opportunity to see them on the big screen,” said Mayor Jon Mitchell.

Rosemary Gill, Executive Director of Programming and Development at the Zeiterion said, “The Zeiterion is proud to continue to partner with the City to present the Wizard of Oz and Casablanca in the Mayor’s Classic Movie Series, free of charge to our audience.”

The public is invited to enjoy the following films, free of charge, at the Zeiterion Performing Arts Center, 684 Purchase Street in New Bedford.