Warning for people who have loved ones buried at New Bedford’s Pine Grove Cemetery

“Saturday I bought what they call a whiskey barrel of geraniums at Stop and Shop, (the pot looked like a barrel and it was quite large and filled with geraniums and some other plants) and I put them in front of my husband’s mausoleum.

Yesterday I watered them and today they were gone. I had already replaced his stolen flag. I talked to two other people at the cemetery that had experienced the same.

It’s a sad state of affairs of how our country has gone to point when it’s people stoop to robbing graves, taking flags that they did not earn and taking plants that they did not pay for and dishonoring someone else’s loved one, a deceased veteran on Memorial Day Weekend.

My daughter is buried in Riverside Cemetery and in the past people have even dug up flowers that I had planted there and I have had wreaths stolen from family gravestones in Rural Cemetery.

Are there that many cemetery thieves or is there one who is making the rounds of all the cemeteries? If you see something, please call the police, so they can catch this despicable grave robber.

UPDATE: I went to the cemetery office at Pine Grove Cemetery. The workers are not removing anything from the graves, so it was definitely a grave robber! They have had other reports, also, and suggest that it should be reported to the police.”-Carol Cesolini.