Wareham Police, family seek public’s help in locating missing 35-year old man


Missing: Timothy Michael Roberts
Last Seen: May 16, 2021
Location: Wareham, Ma
Age at missing: 35 yrs. old
Year of Birth: 1985
Stats: White, male
Height: 5’10″
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Short
Eye Color: Blue
Facial Hair: “Line up” at missing
Known Clothing: Blue T shirt and black sweatpants
Tattoos: Yes (unknown type)
Scars/Marks: Scar at the end of eyebrow towards ear. One scar in middle of head at beginning of hairline. Scar on knee.

If info, or seen, please contact the Wareham Police Dept. at (508) 295-1212 Case #21-1597-OF.

Circumstances: Last seen May 16, 2021. Family extremely worried as Mr. Roberts has a number of medical issues. This is out of character.”

Wareham Police Department photo.

Wareham Police Department photo.