Wareham Firefighters battle diesel fuel blaze on Tobey Road

“On Friday, June 28, at about 10:50 am, Engine 5 with the on-duty crew, and C-2 (Assistant Chief Haskell) responded to Tobey Road for a spill of over 100 gallons of diesel fuel.

A/C Haskell determined that duty crew would be tied up for long period of time, and ordered the recall of off-duty career and call personnel, to staff the station.

Standy-by crews then responded to another emergency call on Patterson Brook Road at 11:40 am. While at that scene, a call was received for a vehicle fire inside of a garage on Wareham Lake Shore Drive at 11:46 am.

An Onset FD engine that had just cleared a call of their own responded directly to the scene, and reported a detached garage heavily involved in fire. The Onset crew utilized a deck gun, with tank water to start suppressing the heavy fire they encountered. Wareham Fire Chief John Kelley and WFD Engine 1 arrived, with Chief Kelley taking command, and Engine 1’s crew working on fire attack.

In about 20 minutes the fire was knocked down, however the building, which was heavily damaged required extensive overhaul. It appears that a vehicle in the garage caught fire, which then extended to the structure. There were no injuries.

Assisting the two engines on the scene, were C-3 (Assistant Chief Mark Rogers), WFD Rescue 1 and Onset Fire C-2 (Assistant Chief Howard Andersen), along with Wareham Police and EMS. A second Onset Engine was brought into Station 1 for coverage.

The day continued to be busy with multiple other responses, to various incidents.”-Wareham Fire Department.

Wareham Fire Department photo.

Wareham Fire Department photo.

Wareham Fire Department photo.

Wareham Fire Department photo.

Wareham Fire Department photo.