Training begins for Massachusetts State Police’s 86th recruit training troop

“Two-hundred and sixteen recruits reported to the Massachusetts State Police Academy in New Braintree yesterday to begin 21 weeks of intensive training in a variety of policing skills and academic subjects.

The MSP’s 86th Recruit Training Troop will undergo classroom and field instruction in police procedure, criminal law, ethics, defensive tactics, de-escalation tactics, physical training, firearms training, emergency vehicle operation, communications skills, and other relevant topics.

Recruits live at the Academy during the week and return home on weekends. Their training is conducted by a cadre of drill instructors under the MSP’s Division of Standards and Training, as well as outside subject matter experts who provide classroom instruction in specialized topics.

Following their Academy graduation this fall, members of the Recruit Training Troop will undergo an additional three months of field training, during which each recruit will be partnered with a veteran Trooper. The new Troopers, post-graduation, will also return to the Academy for additional specialized instruction.

New Troopers serve in a probationary status for one year after their Academy graduation.

Approximate race and gender demographics of the class are as follow:

White: 67 percent;
Hispanic: 16 percent;
Black: 11 percent;
Asian: 3 percent;
Undeclared race: 3 percent;
Female, all races: 15 percent.

Photos from the 85th recruit training troop: