The Marriage Between Women and Weight Training

franny goodrich author pic
by Franny Goodrich

So, you’re a woman approaching 30 years old; perhaps 40; maybe even 50. Question: What is the #1 reason your body does not look as it did when you were a youthful, fit, and energetic 21 years old? Answer: It’s the loss of muscle-mass. Ladies, it may be time to say “I do” to weight-training. Now most women would say, “Hey, I don’t want big muscles!”  The fact is; weight-training and women may just be a perfect marriage.

First-of-all, it’s important that women understand a common misconception that too many still believe. Women do not “bulk-up” as a result of lifting-weights. Even if that was a women’s goal, unfavorable genetic factors such as low testosterone levels and higher levels of estrogen simply preclude 99.9% of woman from developing “big muscles.” Now, stay with me as I explain why muscles are the key to attaining the body you desire.

women marriage weights new bedford guide
Most women wrongly believe weight training will leave them looking too muscular.

As women age – men too – their over-all muscle mass decreases; it is simply a natural process of aging. The loss of as little as a half pound of muscle can eventually lead to additional fat-deposits on your butt and thighs. Why? Because muscle is active tissue which makes high calorie demands – even while resting. Contrarily, less muscle means a slower metabolism. As early as your mid-20’s, the average woman will experience a slight decline in her metabolic-rate each year. By no real coincidence, it exactly parallels her loss of muscle mass.

The relationship is obvious. As muscle-mass decreases; metabolism slows. As a woman ages, even if she continues to eat the same number of calories per day, her body-fat levels increase, and the cycle is established. The loss of muscle, when combined with the passage of time, leads to an over-fat, out of shape body. The good news is that this entire unpleasant scenario can be mostly avoided by engaging in as little as three 30-minute, high-intensity exercise sessions per-week, performed on non-consecutive days.

resistance band training new bedford guide
Training with resistance bands three times per week is all you need.

It is also important to note that “exercise” doesn’t have to be performed in a health club, using fancy exercise-machines. It can be just as effective to workout in your home using resistance-bands and body-weight exercises. The key is that you must perform exercises that put a work-load on all the major-muscle-groups of your body. In this instance, casually plodding along on your treadmill day-in and day-out just won’t cut it!

Resistance bands are quite inexpensive, and can be purchased at most discount retailers – Walmart comes to mind as a place I have seen them. Of course, local sporting goods outlets like Dick’s Sporting Goods will provide you a great variety of choices for home exercise equipment as well. I am not advocating exclusively for resistance-band workouts; you can get a very productive muscular workout in-a-pinch, without using any equipment what-so-ever. A combination of various body-weight exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, towel-pulls – combined with a few isometric-type exercised like pushing your palms together in front of your chest for 60-seconds, can constitute a great hotel-workout for travelers, or anyone who needs a good workout, in a pinch.

The bottom-line is this: Whether you are an aspiring swimsuit model, a career-minded woman looking to get back into shape, or just the average woman who is simply unhappy with her body’s appearance, do not shy away from weight-training (a.k.a. resistance-training or strength-training). It can be essential to retaining the youthful, lean and shapely body you desire – at any age!