Ten of the Best Sandwiches in Greater New Bedford – Part II

This article will surely ruffle some feathers and get some people’s Irish up. So, let me pre-empt the content with a disclaimer: these are not the only eight great sandwiches. In fact, if I were to write what I believe to be the best sandwiches in greater New Bedford, the list would likely be 50 or more long. No one would read such a list. I’m simply picking eight of my current favorites…with a few honorable mentions.

This is simply one person’s opinion. Ten of one person’s fifty favorite sandwiches in no particular order. If you have a favorite that you think should be mentioned, by all means, mention it! Perhaps, it’s a sandwich I haven’t had and now can add to my Foodie Bucket List. I just want to let other foodie’s out there know about these sandwiches so they can share in my delight and I hope they would do the same. Let’s have a discussion and share our passion: mouth-watering sandwiches!

Part one can be read here


Cafe Mirasol’s “Sexy Asparagus” Sandwich.

06. Mirasol’s Chilena or Sexy Asparagus

As, some of you well know, I frequent Mirasol’s Cafe regularly–in fact, I’m here now. I probably spend more time here than anywhere else except home. This heavily trafficked spot is a favorite destination for its now famous drink, the Chippi. Proprietors Rich and Meegan have something special as evidenced by how long the lines can be.

As with many of the establishments in this article, picking one sandwich from their menus is tough. I tried and tried with Mirasol’s, but couldn’t pick just one. When Mirasol’s first opened I ate only the Heuvo Ranchero for a year. When I needed a break, I hopped to the El Capitan. I kept hopping from stand-by sandwich to stand-by sandwich. Through the years there are two sandwiches that I have always loved: the Chilena – marinated, grilled steak with smoked Gouda cheese, avocado spread, string beans, lettuce mix, and tomatoes and the Sexy Asparagus – marinated, grilled Peruvian Asparagus, Smoked Gouda topped with tomatoes, and Avocado Spread.

While I am not a vegetarian, I limit the amount of beef and pork I eat. Beef, sparingly, and pork to about 2-3 times per week. I eat as much vegetables, grains, legumes, fruits, etc. as I can. This is what my good friend, Pastor Ken calls “Plant Strong.” So I never made the Chilena my stand-by. This sandwich is a manly, mans sandwich. My mind was blown at the quality of steak and the portion size for the price, the first time I had it. I am still impressed every time I get it. Tender, juicy, the right amount of marinating. This is a sandwich where all the ingredients fit together so perfectly. If you are a beef or steak lover, you must get it.

The Sexy Asparagus sandwich is the sandwich I get when the next time I come to Mirasol’s after I’ve ordered the Chilena. It washes away the last vestiges of guilt I have for eating such a relatively (for me) large portion of steak. You won’t even realize that there’s no meat in this sandwich (though you can add Turkey Bacon) as it’s quite hearty. And enough spiciness to satisfy the chilihead in me. I’d like to tell those of you who can’t handle heat, that it’s really not bad at all, but I eat Ghost Pepper sauces on the regular so my “mild” likely isn’t mild. You have to try it for yourself.

Whaler’s Tavern Cubano. Photo by Ericca K.

07. Whaler’s Tavern Cubano

Can you tell that I like Cuban sandwiches? I am a huuuuuuuge fan of Latin cultures. The music, the dance, the food, the histories, the language and everything else. When a place offers a Cuban sandwich, yeah — the decision making process is over. I’m getting it.

You may or may not know that the Quahog’s Republic has opened in the old Cafe Balena spot downtown called Whaler’s Tavern. In fact, I am currently reviewing and writing a spotlight for the bar/eatery. The very first time I went there, I, of course, ordered the Quahog Republic Cubano. Get a load of how they describe it: “Slow roasted pork and honey glazed ham, chopped pickles, marinated red onion, Swiss cheese, chipotle aioli, on French bread. Bake hot; brushed with butter, whole grain mustard and grill pressed.” If that doesn’t fire up the salivary glands, you’re dead. Or undead.

I had high expectations when I ordered this sandwich and boy were they ever met. Nay, exceeded. Perhaps the largest version of any I’ve ever gotten — in this area and beyond. There are so many flavors and textures going on that it’s like a Mozart symphony. Crunchy, soft, sweet, sour, spicy, salty, warm, hot, happy. OK, I took some liberty with that last one. No ethics probe please.

The jam packed Shish Kebab Sandwich from Captain’s Place.

08. Captain’s Place Shish-Kebab

You can’t tell by the name of the place, but Captain’s Place is one of the finest, most authentic Portuguese Restaurants on the South Coast. If you’ve been there, you know. We regulars are often puzzled when it’s not mentioned whenever Portuguese restaurants are discussed. It should be at the top of everyone’s list.

As I mentioned above, I rarely eat beef. OK, I eat beef about once or twice a month. Is that rarely? When I do have a craving for beef or steak I’ll head to Captain’s Place and get their Shish-Kebab Sandwich or espetadas. Like many restaurants you can get food from other ethnicities. For $6.99 you get a heaping pile of delectably, marinated, tender steak in a Portuguese pop. You can also get mushrooms or Portuguese peppers. It also comes with a side of some of the best French Fries around. Seriously.

Go there for lunch, have the sandwich and then return for some of the most incredible Portuguese food you can find.

The Lebanese Pita Pocket’s simply amazing chicken shawarma sandwich.

09. Lebanese Pita Pocket: Chicken Shawarma

I don’t know how long the Lebanese Pita Pocket has been tucked away in the plaza on Route 6 in Dartmouth. Virtually all the other shops in that plaza have come and gone, but the Lebanese Pita Pocket has stood the test of time. If you’ve eaten there, you know why: authentic Lebanese food served by Lebanese immigrants in a shop run by the family.

While most people will rant and rave about the Falafel Sandwich (which I am also very fond of) it is the Chicken Shawarma Sandwich that has my heart. Grilled, marinated chicken strips served over lettuce with tomatoes, garlic and Tahini sauce. Tahini sauce for those who have never had it, is an oily paste made from toasted, ground, hulled sesame seeds. And like most things when made from scratch instead of pulled from a can or jar, there is a significant, noticeable difference. This Tahini is certainly made from scratch. I will admit that I have thought of asking for a small bowl of their Tahini just so I can eat spoonfuls of it.

This sandwich is one of my all-time favorite sandwiches and sadly it seems not enough people know about one of the best eateries on the South Coast. EVERYTHING at this place is amazing and their Chicken Shawarma sandwich is one of the best sandwiches anywhere.

Ther Vermonter: “smoked turkey, Vermont Cheddar cheese, bacon, red onion, green apple, and hot pressed to gooey perfection.”

10. Flour Girls “The Vermonter”

The last sandwich on the list comes from Flour Girls in Fairhaven, another one of my most frequented places. If I’m not at Mirasol’s I’m at Flour Girls in Fairhaven. In the very few years they have been at this location they have done so well, that a second one is opening up in Mattapoisett.

Famous for their pastries, desserts, smoothies, homemade soups, sass and signature sandwiches, the best one they have, in my opinion, is the Vermonter: smoked turkey, Vermont Cheddar cheese, bacon, red onion, green apple, and hot pressed to gooey perfection. Yes, you read the “green apple” part correctly — you’ll get it when you try it. This is madness between two buns. It’s a creative sandwich comprised of seemingly unfriendly ingredients that come together to make a sandwich that is out of this world.

Tell Jill or Corrie that Joe sent you, maybe you’ll get a free cookie. Just don’t be disappointed if you get some sass instead. (It’ll be worth a try.)