Summer Nights Program: FREE writing, music production, design classes for New Bedford youth

Dream Out Loud is recruiting for our FREE Summer Nights Program for middle and high school youth who are interested in songwriting, digital music production, creative writing, digital art and graphic design.

Classes start on July 9, 2024 and will be held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6:00pm – 8:00pm through August 22nd.

Please email to request an application.

We are also having an open house sign up session on Saturday, July 6th anytime from 12pm – 4pm at Dream Out Loud, located at the Kilburn Mill, 127 West Rodney French Blvd in New Bedford, Suite 2-64.

Please SHARE with any youth who may be interested!”

Dream Out Loud photo.

Dream Out Loud photo.

Dream Out Loud photo.

Dream Out Loud photo.

Dream Out Loud photo.

Dream Out Loud photo.