Who Remembers…Seven Vintage Commercials?!

It’s Fudgie!!! (AngusMcguyver)

Remember all those commercials growing up that made us smile or laugh? There are hundreds of commercials like this and NBG has picked 5 in no special order. Some of these are guaranteed to get you singing along and have the song stuck in your head. All of them will remind you of that special time growing up and what it was like to be a kid – something as adults we often forget how to do.

Which commercial was your favorite? One on the list or one we didn’t mention?

1. Krazy Glue

The words “Super glue” or “Krazy Glue” immediately bring to mind a construction worker with a hard hat dangling off of an “I” beam with his feet kicking. I think it’s safe to say this is one of the greatest inventions ever (next to Duct Tape!) and I’ve repaired thousands of things with super glue. One of my favorite things to say is “Where’s the superglue?”!

2. It’s Slinky!

Just saying those two words, conjures an audio to play on loop in the head:

“What walks down stairs, alone or in pairs
and makes a slinkity sound?
A spring, a spring, a marvelous thing!
Everyone knows it’s Slinky.
It’s Slinky, it’s Slinky,
It’s fun, it’s a wonderful toy.
It’s Slinky, it’s Slinky, it’s fun,
It’s a wonderful toy.
It’s fun for a girl or a boy. ”

What usually happened with Slinky is about 15 minutes of trying to get it to work down a flight of stairs – which never happened – and then spending the rest of the Slinky’s life trying to get the kink out of it, so it would function. Has anyone successfully got the Slinky to go from the top of a flight of stairs to the bottom or had a Slinky that didn’t have a kink in it with a day?

3. Coke: I’d Like to Buy The World A Coke

I absolutely love this song. It has such a “feel-good” glad to be human, sense of community vibe to it. It never made we want to go grab a Coke, but rather made me want to join hands and sing “Kumbaya.”

4. Where’s the beef?

Who didn’t think this old grandma wasn’t a cool, bad-ass? This is a saying that crept into popular culture and lexicon. To this day, I still hear it said when someone gets “gyped” or ripped off. Order breakfast and only get a few home fries? “Where’s the beef?” Go the the movies with a date and look down at your $40 receipt? “Where’s the beef?”

5. Ch-ch-ch-Chia!

Has ANYONE ever successfully grown a Chia Pet? Or how about Sea Monkeys? I’ve never met anyone who has successfully grown either. For some reason it became a popular Christmas present. I failed so miserably at growing them, that when I got one for Christmas, I just put it on a shelf in the closet unopened. A fully grown Chia Pet is a white whale IMO.

I wouldn’t have it any other way.

6. Carvel’s Fudgie the Whale!

Speaking of whales – how about Fudgie?! Memory doesn’t serve me the best, but if I recall correctly, there were Carvel stores. I used to love ice cream cake and still do! Carvel has become synonymous with ice cream cake. It’s like saying Band-Aid instead of bandage, or if you are down south a waitress can ask “What kind of Coke do you want?” and yo can reply with “Sprite.” One say “What kind of cake do you want?” and reply with “Carvel.” You just bring home an ice cream cake of any brand.

7. I Don’t Want To Grow Up!

Going to Toys ‘R Us was really no different than Christmas Day. Regardless, of the time of year, a visit to Toys ‘R Us felt like a holiday. You knew you were going to get something “rad”! The jingle to this commercial has to be one of the catchiest ever written.