Research Study in New Bedford seeks participants for Constipation Relief

Do you suffer from constipation and want relief?

If you or someone you know suffers from constipation, you may be interested in learning more about a research study being conducted locally in New Bedford, MA.

Chronic constipation is a condition that often results in discomfort and pain that can disrupt your life. When it affects you, it’s difficult to pay attention to anything other than finding a way to relieve the effects of the condition.

But for many people like you with chronic constipation, finding relief isn’t easy. Medications are not always effective or intended to be used chronically and you are left without many options.

In an effort to find more treatment options for people diagnosed with Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (CIC), Novex is now conducting a medical research study of an investigational drug for chronic constipation. The investigational drug is called plecanatide and is specifically for people with CIC.

Through this study, doctors want to evaluate the safety of plecanatide and see if it helps relieve chronic constipation. If you have CIC, please consider learning more about this study.

Who is eligible to participate in this study?

To pre-qualify for this study, you must:

  • Be between 18 and 80 years of age
  • Have chronic constipation for at least 3 months prior to the study
  • Have a history of less than 3 bowel movements per week

All study related visits, tests, and study drugs will be provided to participants at no cost. Reimbursement for travel may also be provided.

Novex Clinical Research, located on Field Street, is a leader in the field of clinical trials. They also conduct trials for a variety of conditions in additional to Constipation, such as, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, High Cholesterol, Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoarthritis, and others.

If you are interested in learning more about clinical research, you can read Novex Clinical Research’s FAQ, visit their website, Facebook, or contact them through e-mail or phone. You can also get directions via their website.

Novex Clinical Research
Phone:508-990-9555 ext. 1 or 855-7STUDY7