Prince Henry Society provides annual Christmas baskets to 198 families in need in Greater New Bedford

The Prince Henry Society’s New Bedford Chapter held its annual Christmas Basket Drive to serve families in need — especially in this year of turmoil due to the pandemic, its economic impacts, and other challenges.

Volunteers of the Society worked tirelessly over the past week to fill Christmas baskets — each with three boxes of canned goods, non-perishables, meats, and milk, to feed those in need, whether via social programs, families of schoolchildren, or displaced families due to house fires. The Christmas baskets are filled with food to cook a Christmas dinner and provide beyond the holiday.

The Prince Henry Society thanks its members for their donations, as well as the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick, the local fishing industry, and area businesses for their generous donations to help families in need in Greater New Bedford.

Prince Henry Society photo.

Prince Henry Society photo.