Search Results for: weekend

13 Things to do this Weekend (Mar 27 – Mar 29)

After a Winter with record low temperatures and snowfall amounts, this weekend’s weather is a veritable heat wave. How does 40 degree temperatures all weekend long sound? Yes, evenings will be cool – cold, even – but the days will warm up nicely. Friday will see periods of rain, Saturday …

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15 Things to do this Weekend (Mar 20 – Mar 22)

Snow? Yes, snow. You thought we were scot-free, didn’t you? While daily temperatures are on the rise, evenings and mornings are still cold – cold enough to snow. That will be the case Friday and Saturday: snow in the afternoon and snow in the morning, respectively. Don’t fret – we’re …

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17 Things to do this Weekend (Mar 13 – Mar 15)

Spring seems to be letting everyone know that she is right around the corner. We are less than a week away from the official start to Spring. Of course, I don’t believe a thing until April 2. As some of you may recall we had a rather substantial snowfall a …

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19 Things to do this Weekend (Mar 06 – Mar 08)

If you are as sick of snow as we are, you will be ecstatic to find out that there is NO SNOW this weekend. Assuming of course, that the weatherpeople are on their “A” game. Since your back can recover from all the shoveling, you’ll be able to head out …

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15 Things to do this Weekend (Feb 27 – Mar 01)

While we will still have frigid temperatures this weekend, at least we won’t have negative temperatures! This is like a heat wave! But, wait… it gets even better: there is no snow forecasted for this weekend! That means no shoveling, scraping or snowblowing. It’s like a vacation. Saturday will be …

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11 Things to do this Weekend (Feb 20 – Feb 22)

Have you shoveled yourself out yet? The good news for this weekend’s weather? No blizzard – so rejoice! The “bad” news? We’ll be having some snow and rain this weekend. Don’t fret, the snow should come in the form of snow flurries. You can follow the method of the local …

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12 Things to do this Weekend (Feb 13 – Feb 15)

Shoveling is in the air! Er…I mean, love is in the air. It’s Valentine’s Weekend. The two of you can hire a babysitter and shovel the driveway and walkway hand in hand, celebrating your togetherness and bond. After all, it’s being together, not the activity, that counts, right? “It’s not …

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14 Things to do this Weekend (Feb 06 – Feb 08)

Crikey, old man Winter is cranky. The good news is that each day this weekend will get progressively warmer. The lesser good news – not bad – is that we’ll have spots of snow on Saturday and Sunday. It’s not bad news per se, because it’ll only be enough snow …

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12 Things to do this Weekend (Jan 30- Feb 01)

Phew. What a past few days! Is there more snow coming? We will have snow on Friday, but don’t fret – it won’t be a blizzard and will be mixed with rain. While Friday will reach a high of 37 degrees, the mornings will be VERY frigid. We will experience …

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