Search Results for: weekend

14 Things to do this Weekend (Feb 05 – Feb 07)

After an eventful Friday, things will gradually (relatively speaking) warm up and the sun will pop its head out. Saturday will be without the snow, and only a degree or two warmer. Sunday will be in the lower 40s with plenty of sunshine. Nothing that will stop us from heading …

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14 Things to do this Weekend (Feb 05 – Feb 07)

After an eventful Friday, things will gradually (relatively speaking) warm up and the sun will pop its head out. Saturday will be without the snow, and only a degree or two warmer. Sunday will be in the lower 40s with plenty of sunshine. Nothing that will stop us from heading …

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11 Things to do this Weekend (Jan 29 – Jan 31)

This has certainly been an odd winter so far. Above average warm temperatures, rain, snow followed by virtually a complete melting within a day. Not that I’m complaining – while snow is a nature beauty when it first falls, it’s not fun to shovel and quickly because disgusting exhaust and …

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12 Things to do this Weekend (Jan 22 – Jan 24)

At the time this weekend guide is being written up the forecast hasn’t been pegged down – one camp states we will get moderate snowfall amounts somewhere around 5-6 inches, the other states we will get 12″-24″ inches. Problem is that the movement of the storm and whether it will …

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17 Things to do this Weekend (Jan 15 – Jan 17)

Winter is well under way, but nature didn’t get them memo. While overnights and mornings will have freezing temperatures, the days will not be freezing – at least not literally. Saturday and Sunday will be in the mid-40s and the coldest day, Sunday, will reach a high of 37 degrees. …

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12 Things to do this Weekend (Jan 08 – Jan 10)

I can’t recall the last winter that had such strange weather. Here we are in January and the forecast is not “Below freezing with a few inches of snow.” but “Temperatures as high as 55 degrees and some rain.” We will not have freezing temperatures even overnight or in the …

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11 Things to do this Weekend (Jan 01 – Jan 03)

While we may go a little below freezing temperatures overnight this weekend with a chilly 28 degrees, we’ll enjoy temperatures in the low 40s and loads of sunshine. While Floridians may gasp at the idea of enjoying temperatures in the 40s, there will be plenty of us with shorts and/or …

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8 Things to do this Weekend (Dec 25 – Dec 27)

Hold on to your pants. Make sure you are sitting down before you read the weekend weather summary or look at the graphic. White Christmas? I think not. “T-Shirt Christmas” would be a more apt descriptor! Christmas day will be 60 degrees and sunny for the most part! The rest …

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14 Things to do this Weekend (Dec 18 – Dec 20)

Mild weather for this time of year is in store again. While it won’t be as pleasant as last weekend, day temperatures will be between 40-50 degrees. Nothing a sweathshirt or hoodie can’t handle. Overnights will be in the low to mid 30s meaning you get to toss a log …

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20 Things to do this Weekend (Dec 11 – Dec 13)

Maintaining the theme of the past few weeks – some rather unusual weather for this time of year. We’ll hover around an average temperature of 60 degrees, almost the middle of December. Even the lows will not be that low: averaging 45 degrees in the morning and overnight. Enjoy it …

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