Search Results for: weekend

Gloucester’s Adventure: An American Story

The Dock-U-Mentaries film series continues on Friday, August 19th with Gloucester’s Adventure: An American Story. This 60 minute film tells the story of Gloucester, Massachusetts, once one of the world’s busiest fishing ports, and the sailing schooner Adventure, which was built there in 1926 and soon became one of the …

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The New Bedford Portuguese Feast Survival Guide

Santana House at the New Bedford Portuguese Feast

This is our 2011 New Bedford Portuguese Feat article. Check out of 8 Things to Know About the 2012 Portuguese Feast article for information on the 2012 Feast. The New Bedford Feast of the Blessed Sacrament, a.k.a. the Portuguese Feast, a.k.a. Madeira Feast is the largest event the city has every …

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Five Places to Catch the Game for Less

Strikers Sports Bar New Nedford

Watching the game from the comfort of your own home can be ideal.  But it can also be a blast to round up some friends, get out of the house and view the big game (whether that be football, baseball, basketball or hockey) surrounded by quality screens, inexpensive beer and …

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Skateboarding the South Coast

Ron Dauplaise

Sometimes the simplest things in life give you the most joy.  For millions of people around the world, skateboarding is that simple thing.  Layered pieces of plywood, metal trucks, bearings, wheels, nuts and bolts, and grip-tape are what make up a skateboard.  Whether its bombing down a big hill or …

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2011 Whaling City Festival

The New Bedford Festival season is in full swing.  Last weekend (2-3 July) Summer Festival took over downtown New Bedford with dozens of musicians and hundreds of street vendors.  August will bring the world famous Feast of The Blessed Sacrament (Portuguese Feast/Madeira Feast) and the amazing Chowder Festival. This weekend …

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