Owner’s Spotlight: The Hot Pink Health Coach

by Amanda Lawrence

I first met Pamela Whipple, or Bunny as she is known to her friends, having a blast last summer at AHA: Kids Rule! Not only was her booth filled with an array of brightly colored, hand-made, hula hoops, but it was also swarming with interested people of all ages, hooping the night away. Since then, I have watched her passion for hooping spread like fire and ignite into the flame that is The Hot Pink Health Coach. When the opportunity to learn more about her, and her ever-pulsating pursuit of health and hoopi-ness presented itself to me, I jumped on the chance.

Amanda: What exactly is Hot Pink Health Coach all about, aside from its obvious title?

Pam: The Hot Pink Health Coach Company is a fun, creative and comprehensive approach to nutrition and fitness for women that hate the gym. This approach means that stress, sleep, finances, relationships, creativity and community are observed to assess the best solutions for the client. Each session and program is specifically tailored for the woman I’m working with. I support them with their goals step-by-step at a pace they can handle. These sessions include fit hoop lessons, healthy shopping, cooking classes, books, a binder with handouts, e-support, supplement guidance, organic health and beauty, and more. Women who have worked with me not only lost weight, but have more energy, as well as a fitness routine that they love.

Pamela WhippleAmanda: As someone who hates the gym, I must say that sounds pretty amazing! What are some of the other services you offer?

Pam: A few FREE services I provide are Chakra Opening and a Health History Consultation. Your first session with me is free to see if we would like to work together which comes with a bonus tip. Chakra Opening is a holistic way to balance energy throughout the body and a great way to get started. I’m also planning on starting a FREE hoop group, Fit Hoop Challenge, in Buttonwood Park this spring.

Workshops on various topics, such as Sugar Cravings, Eating for Energy, Women’s Health, Weigh Less, and Live More are FREE. Group classes are offered for a fee of $10. And a Sampler Session, in which you choose three specific categories that you would like to discuss and receive information on, is $20.

A Six Months to Living Program is $95 per month, and you receive the full benefits of group support, changing your relationship with food, and creating a life they you will love. Six months is the recommended amount of time to solidify new habits into your life.

Amanda: Free workshops and fit hoop lessons? I’m sold! But I have to know, how did you fist become involved with the Hooper lifestyle? I mean most people are familiar with toy hula hoops, but I am almost certain that hooping as exercise is as foreign a concept to them, as it was to me last year.

Pam: Three years ago a dear friend of mine gave me a hula hoop as a gift after we reconciled a misunderstanding. A few months later this dear friend passed away from cancer.  This experience gave me the push to apply and attend The Institute of Integrative Nutrition. My classes were inspiring and full of information I needed, but I struggled with wanting to exercise. I don’t like to work out. I like to have fun. So I started to search for new ways to get moving. When I found Hoopnotica and Body Hoops it all came together. I couldn’t believe people were losing weight with their hula hoops! It was so fun!

I started with videos on YouTube because it was free. I also took a few classes with The Boston Hoop Troop. Within three months, I went from 140 pounds to 117.

Hoola HoopsAmanda: That’s so awesome! And now you make your own hoops! Could you tell me a little bit about some of the styles that you offer?

Pam: Our little shop offers hoops you can buy either online or in person at Ervanaria Estrela on Acushnet Ave in New Bedford. We offer fitness hoops, which are weighted to give you a great workout and they are much easier to keep up than toy hula hoops. We offer kids hoops as well! And this spring we will be releasing our first wave of LED hoops.

We decorate our hoops with special grip tape, glow tape, fabric and upcycled materials so our customers can create the hoop of their dreams. Our most popular hoops are the Purple Flash and the Tokidoki special edition.

Amanda: What are some important things to be aware of when choosing the right hoop?

Pam: When you choose a hoop, the most important part is choosing your size. Make sure that you have a hoop that will measure up to the mid chest area, especially if you are a beginner. Before you buy your hoop from someone, make sure that you message any questions you might have to the company. And most importantly, do not buy from someone that doesn’t return your emails in a timely fashion.

Amanda: I know you mentioned a free hoop group starting this spring, but would you mind briefly describing a hoop workout that is beginner friendly for the ambitious individual who can’t wait that long?

Pam: I recommend that people ready to start now pick up a hoop at a toy store and get on YouTube! If you are taller and much bigger than a child I recommend buying from us of course! Hoopnotica and Body Hoops are also great places to buy. Body Hoops has the best videos on YouTube for a beginner aerobic work out.

Good luck and Happy Hooping Everyone!

For more information on Pam’s workshops, or if you want to learn more about fitness hooping check her out at: http://hotpinkhealthcoach.com.

Location: 78 Wing Road, Acushnet, MA 02743
Phone: 508-348-4375
Payment Options: Cash, Credit/Debit, or Pay Pal accounts.
Owner’s Name: Pamela Whipple