OPINION: “New Bedford mayor doesn’t want homeless encampents, but forcing sober homes to close!”

The following is an opinion sent to New Bedford Guide. It does not reflect the opinion of New Bedford Guide, nor is it an OP-ED. In fairness and objectivity, we share opinions from our readers whether we agree or disagree with their opinion.

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This opinion is a response to the City of New Bedford requiring lodging house licenses and upgrades to the sober houses throughout the city.


“I can tell you one thing: putting all these rules and regulations on sober homes is forcing recovering addicts back on the streets.

Where are we going to go!?! I can be a testimony on how my sober home ‘Dawns New Day,’ saved my life, held me accountable, and helped me find my faith and my way. Many other women at the homes can vouch for this. Thanks to the sober house I’m now a fully functioning member of society. Working full time, going to church, and saving up to be able to move into my own apartment. I have learned how to be of service to the community.

You may be attacking the sober homes but the ones who will suffer the most are going to be the people like me who are just trying to find my way back. You think you have a problem now, wait till we are forced back into the streets. All the public asked for is that addicts get help! How can we if we dont have safe places to go after detox? You can go to detox but detox doesn’t help you get acclimated to the real world. You need time to be able to find a network and learn how to live clean.

And if you get help and you then leave detox to go back to the street that never ends well. I live in the grad house at ‘Dawn’s.’ It’s very spacious, we are a family. These are my sisters! We cook together, eat together, clean together, and support each other.

To some women this is the only family they have. I have fought hard to be here and earned my way. This is a home not a facility!

The mayor is doing more HARM than good. YOU DONT WANT ENCAMPENTS but are forcing sober homes to close! So what that is saying is you want more addicts and less recovery in our city. That’s the message. The train is coming and its about to get worse, way worse… let’s take the sprinklers out of the mayor’s salary, since he ‘cares’ so much about us burning alive.”-Jeanna DiSanti.