OPINION: “Wonder why the city looks like crap? Ineffective councilors, cronyism and the ‘old boy’ network.”

“Road repair is definitely needed in the city, only people who are related to, or know certain people in city hall are getting their streets repaired.

Last winter Newton St between Kempton to Court Street got dug up by Eversource. Those roads got dug up so Eversource could put new gas lines in. While doing that they put unsightly meters on homes and drilled holes in the foundation of peoples’ homes. The road has been a mess ever since.

Finally, in October, the city decided to repave the street. Well, they managed the left side, got a heavy rain that stopped them for about 2 days. They left and never came back. This is a perfect example of half jobs done that has New Bedford looking like crap. Leaving only the left side completed.

At the end of October, Elm St. starts getting dug up – that street didn’t need to be done, it was fine. Their sidewalks had no damage, Eversource didn’t do any work over there while Newton St. still remains a hot mess from last fall’s work. We’re talking patch jobs on sidewalks the street on the left side still messed up from the digging. Eversource has completed the gas lines and meters which has been finished since last fall. Elm St. has been getting the street dug up and receiving new pavement, sidewalks and driveways.

Why is a street that didn’t need the work getting all brand new, while the street they let get ruined is left in disrepair?

Ward Counselor Lima, was made aware of it. Said he went there to see, called DPI and was told the right side that was dug up, wasn’t going to be done. He has decided his job is done and moved on from it. He isn’t pushing to get the work done for the homeowners on Newton St. His lame excuse was a lot of roads around the city need work, and there are areas of people who pay higher taxes. Which clearly is no excuse for digging up and killing city money (everyone’s taxes) on sidewalks, streets, and driveways that were never in need of it to begin with.

Drive down Newton st between Kempton to Court, then circle around and go down Elm St starting from Pierce St. going up towards Buttonwood Park. People in this part of the ward are angry, everyone pays property taxes, unfortunately, people like Mr. Lima feels only certain parts of his ward are worthy of being repaired.

Newton St. was in desperate need of new sidewalks and driveways, everything is so low to the street that it’s hard to tell where the street meets the curb, not to mention the flooding when it rains. Elm St. had no need for any work, yet it’s being done. If that’s not discriminating and passing judgment on certain areas what is?

A lot of hard-working homeowners, whose neighborhoods are looking really bad, because the city won’t properly maintain it. Wonder why the city of New Bedford is looking like crap?

New Bedford Guide reports on a lot of things: I challenge you to report this and bring things to light and make a difference.

We have city councilors that get extra paychecks on top of their first jobs and aren’t taking care of the wards they are supposed to. We have city workers who pick and chose where work gets done. That depends on who they are friends with or are swapping off favors with. “You take care of me I take care of you.” type of stuff.

It’s all being done with the property taxes we all pay. It’s like everyone can pay in, but only certain people will reap the benefits. Think about that, if you’re a fair person and care about our city and the people in it.

You have a powerful page lots of people follow. How about you step up and help make a difference? See if maybe calling it out gets the city to do right. Get Ward 5 councilor Lima to take care of what needs to be done. He, like many, get a paycheck from their primary jobs, then get an extra check from the City for doing nothing, but hit a meeting and then go home.

Thank you for taking time to read this. I hope maybe you can help make things fair.

It’s sad to see the city many of us are born and raised, become so corrupt that who you know and where you live determines what gets done around here.

Elm St. from Temple landing to Liberty St. was in more need of repair. That area is too close to projects. So neglect, neglect, neglect. This city will end up like Boston, with nice areas and then the neglected areas. This city used to be nice once upon a time. So I’m grateful for any help you give.

I love New Bedford and this can be a great city again. We just need to get people to do work right.” Alieshia De Andrade.