New Bedford’s Buttonwood Zoo bids farewell to 2-year old Fennec Fox, “Bitti”

“This week, we bid a very fond farewell to our beloved Animal Ambassador, Bitti! Bitti, the 2-year-old Fennec Fox, joined us when he was just six months old after being born at the Naibi Zoo.

Since then, he has delighted local students and our ZooCrew kiddos with his amazing adaptations and terrific training demonstrations, while BPZOO guests could often enjoy an adorable sneak peek of this big-eared ball of fur as he slept in the window of his desert habitat within the Buttonwood Barn.

Bitti is now settling in with his new family at the Bronx Zoo, where he has moved based on a breeding recommendation through AZA’s Species Survival Plan. Fennec Foxes are one of over 300 Species Survival Plan programs currently led by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums with the goal of managing the populations of involved species to “ensure the sustainability of a healthy, genetically diverse, and demographically varied AZA population.”

We wish Bitti the best of luck on his new adventure and miss him already!”-Buttonwood Park Zoo.

Video by Courtney Claunch:

All photos by Buttonwood Park Zoo: