New Bedford Wellness Initiative Starts Adult Wellness Program in New Bedford

The adult wellness program will begin Sunday October 18th

The New Bedford Wellness Initiative is pleased to announce, through generous sponsorships and community partnerships, a community wellness program for adults to be held every Sunday at the Boys and Girls Club in New Bedford. This program is free and open to the public. Its offerings will include classes in cardiovascular exercise, yoga, meditation, smoking cessation and nutrition. The classes will be led by a certified instructor.

The adult wellness program will begin Sunday October 18th 2015 and will run every Sunday from October 2015 until October 2016. The classes will start at 11:00 am end at 3:00 pm. The class schedule is as follows; Cardiovascular exercise: 11am- 12pm, Nutrition and Weight Loss: 12pm-1pm, Yoga: 1pm-2pm, Smoking Cessation: 1pm-2pm and Meditation: 2pm-3pm. There also will be health screenings including measuring weights and blood pressures.

In 2014 the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Data report listed New Bedford as being one of the least healthy communities in Massachusetts. Multiple studies have shown that an unhealthy diet, poor physical activity, and smoking are the major risk factors for chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, diabetes and lung disease.

The wellness program will provide the tools to make lifestyle changes that can decrease these chronic diseases, and also will address mental well-being to reduce stress and promote a healthy mind body connection. The goal of this program is to promote health and wellness throughout southeastern Massachusetts by making these classes free and accessible to all community members.

The New Bedford Wellness Initiative’s mission is to raise health awareness, prevent disease and promote recovery from illness through healthy living. This initiative was started by local cardiologist Michael Rocha in 2014 to unite the community’s resources around a common mission of health and wellness.

In addition to the upcoming Wellness program for adults at the Boys and Girls Club, the New Bedford Wellness Initiative holds monthly wellness walks in the community, has screenings of movies about health and wellness at the New Bedford Whaling Museum and has a Facebook page with over two thousand followers.