New Bedford Police Department arrests serial breaker for armed robberies

On June 27, 2021, at 10:30am a male suspect entered the Brock Ave Market at 629 Brock Ave. The suspect informed the clerk that he was armed and demanded money from the register before fleeing the scene.

Viewing surveillance footage, the suspect was positively identified by responding Officer James Marinelli as ADRIAN LABLUE, 26.

Later in the evening at 9:30pm, LABLUE made his way to the Harss Express at 775 Brock Ave where he once again threatened the clerk in a similar fashion and demanded money from the register.

Several hours later, an alarm was activated for the Brock Ave Market and was quickly convened upon by responding south-end patrol units. The rear-door to the business had been forced opened and LABLUE was located inside where he was then placed under arrest.

LABLUE has 40 adult arraignments for a variety of charges, and numerous convictions for breaks and larcenies. He was just released from the house of correction in March after serving an 18-month sentence. LABLUE now faces two armed robbery charges for the above-mentioned incidents.