City of New Bedford creates new position to facilitate innovation and improvement

‘Chief of Innovation and Policy Development’ Will Drive Technology and Policy Improvements for Better Municipal Services.

The City of New Bedford is creating a new position that will drive innovation and reforms across City government. The Chief of Innovation and Policy Development will be a senior-level position in City government that will identify and implement new technology and policies to improve the quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of municipal services.

“Our residents deserve a City government that solves problems and delivers results,” Mayor Jon Mitchell said. “We can do more for them with the right tools, including proven technologies and up-to-date policies. The world is changing quickly, and the City of New Bedford won’t be left trailing behind.”

The Chief of Innovation and Policy Development will perform three core functions:

Drive improvement in the delivery of municipal services

• Identify, develop, and implement high-impact innovations and new policies.
• Manage projects that focus on service and business model innovation.
• Explore best practices in other cities, facilitate their importation to New Bedford, and pursue and manage grants that support the process.

Build and grow innovation capabilities

• Identify training needs for employees to ensure the effective utilization of new technologies and policies.
• Redesign procedures and practices to deliver essential services in a timely and effective manner.
• Facilitate the use of artificial intelligence applications to expand operational efficiency and problem-solving capabilities.
• Track and report on innovation metrics and business impact on a regular basis.

Champion innovation

• Promote a municipal innovation agenda to City employees and stakeholders, and invite their ideas and feedback.
• Promote the City as a recognized innovation leader among municipalities nationally to build brand and better attract and retain talent.
• Identify external relationships that may accelerate innovation and its practical implementation through public-private partnerships.

The Chief of Innovation and Policy Development will be a data-driven decision maker with experience in municipal finance and managing staff. Anyone interested in applying can visit