New Bedford mom seeks public’s help locating autistic son’s favorite toy plane

“Hello, I was wondering if you could write a post and possibly help us find my 4 year old autistic sons favorite toy plane.

I took my 2 children to Buttonwood Park Zoo and somewhere in between having fun, sensory overload, and transitioning troubles, my son seems to have misplaced his favorite toy airplane. It is a metal dusty crop hopper replica. I’ve attached a picture, just his is a little beaten up, it’s missing the pontoons and the propeller. It also has a few stickers on each wing.

It’s one of his favorite security toys he carries around. Since there weren’t too many people there were hoping this can reach someone who was there who may have found it. We have already spoken with staff and nobody turned in a lost toy plane. One of the staff also mentioned they may have seen a different child with a similar toy, so I assumed maybe another child found it and innocently took it home.

I know it is just a plane to some, but to my son it is a big deal. I’m hoping to find it or replace it before he does. Thank you for your time! is my email.” -Sara Laurianno.

Sara Laurianno photo.

Sara Laurianno photo.