New Bedford resident disgusted after cab keeps running meter after accident

“You take a cab and the cab is in an accident should you still be responsible to pay for the ride?

My girlfriend got a ride from Yellow Cab yesterday around 1:00 pm. They were around the Route 18 and Cove St. area when the cab was struck on the driver’s side.

The police were called and [everyone] gave police reports. At this point, the meter was still running. She was in shock. They didn’t even offer her a ride to the hospital.

When she arrived at her destination, they charged her $20 on a trip that usually costs $15. When I arrived, she had severe neck and shoulder pain, which were documented at the hospital.

My question to you is, should she be responsible to overpay for this cab ride?

#BoycottYellowCab”-Lenox Morgan.