Massachusetts State Trooper arrests man with for trafficking heroin and cocaine

Yesterday shortly after 3 p.m. Trooper Stephen Hazelton was patrolling Route 93 northbound in the Town of Randolph. While approaching Exit 5A he observed a 2004 Mitsubishi Outlander operating erratically then cut over several lanes to exit the highway at the last second. Trooper Hazelton followed the vehicle and stopped it as it entered Route 28.

Upon stopping the vehicle Trooper Hazelton walked up to the passenger side to speak with the operator, eventually identified as MANUEL MORALES, 24, of Lawrence. While questioning MORALES, Trooper Hazelton noticed severe inconsistencies as well as signs inside of the vehicle indicating it may have been used in the commission of trafficking narcotics. Trooper Hazelton has attended numerous training seminars in relation to detecting methods of concealing large amounts of narcotics, weapons, and currency specific to motor vehicles.

Subsequent investigation on the scene led to a search of the vehicle yielding an aftermarket hidden compartment. Inside of this compartment Trooper Hazelton located plastic cylinder with 18 grams of heroin packed in 11 separate baggies, and 38 grams of crack cocaine packed in 54 separate baggies.

MORALES was transported to State Police-Milton where he was booked. He was arraigned in Quincy District Court today on the following charges:

1. Trafficking in Cocaine;
2. Trafficking in Heroin;
3. False Application for Driver’s License;
4. Misuse of an RMV Document;
5. Possess Stolen RMV Document;
6. Operator of a Motor Vehicle Failing to Identify Self;
7. Arrestee Furnishing False Name;
8. Conspiracy to Violate Drug Laws;
9. Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle;
10. Marked Lanes Violation; and
11. Equipment Violation.