Massachusetts State Police K9 officer and K9 “Roxy” locate distraught, armed teenage boy

“Critically important mission undertaken by Massachusetts State Police K9 Unit Trooper Jack Doherty and his K9 partner Roxy (pictured), along with Troopers Gonzalez and Lyons of the Brookfield Barracks and Troopers Jones and Pingitore, both recent graduates of the 86th RTT, located a distraught, armed teenage boy early this morning at the edge of a dam. They joined a Barre Police Officer and were able to reach the boy then pull him to safety.

MSP patrols were assisting Barre Police units with a search for the boy, who was in crisis and was armed with several edged weapons and who had fled into the woods. Trooper Doherty deployed Roxy on a nighttime track at approximately 3:25 a.m. Roxy pulled down one side of Worcester Road then abruptly pulled to the other side of the road.

Massachusetts State Police photo.

Eventually, Roxy pulled right onto a trail leading to the Ware River, tracked along the river towards the Barre Falls Dam, and reached the top of the dam. Roxy pulled right, toward the falls, stopped at the wall overlooking the falls, and displayed a change in behavior. Trooper Doherty looked over the wall and located the boy lying on the metal walkway attached to the building along the water level. Troopers and the local Officer then descended to where he was and assisted him up the ladder and away from the dam. EMS responded and transported him to the hospital.

Of all the missions our K9s are asked to perform, the most rewarding are when they are able to help someone who is distraught and prevent self-inflicted harm, giving them the chance to get help.

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