Knights of Columbus Memorial Project beautifies 14 local sites

From bottom left to top: Tom Pereira, Bill Boles, Sean Jackman. From bottom right to top Marty Flinn, Pat Curran and Pedro Castanheira

Recently, the Knights of Columbus Father Hogan Council #14236 beautified Dartmouth’s veterans memorials. They assisted with roughly 14 sites throughout town. Aided by rakes, mulch, weed whackers and a readiness to get on their hands and knees and clean stone statues, members worked hard and enjoyed the opportunity to help. Over a dozen members from the Knights council participated in the maintenance and beautification project during the Columbus Day weekend.

“What an honor it is for our council to serve our veterans, remember their sacrifice and support our community,” Chris Pereira, head of the council said. He added, “This is something we plan on doing a couple of times a year moving forward.” Deputy Grand Knight of the council, Sean Jackman, spearheaded the project. He said “A lot of these vets are from World War I. Their families are gone. We want to respect their memory and make sure the memorials look presentable.”

From left to right, Sean Jackman, Pedro Castanheira, Tom Pereira and Pat Curran.

Patriotism is one of the four core values of the Knights along with Charity, Unity and Fraternity. The project was welcomed by the Dartmouth Veterans Advisory Board. The Knights look forward to the next time they will complete this project and other opportunities where they can support veterans and veteran causes.

The Knights of Columbus is a Roman Catholic fraternal service organization with over 15,000 councils and 1.9 million members in the United States. They participate in many charitable events and work with a variety of nonprofit groups to support the community. The Knights of Columbus stand for four core principles which are charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. The Knights donated more than $173 million dollars to charity and volunteered over 71.5 million hours last year. These contributions are the most ever by The Knights of Columbus. The Knights of Columbus Father Hogan Council serve the Dartmouth parishes of St. Julies and St. Mary’s.