Mayor Mitchell, police department take action against Jalice Cafe


Statement from Mayor Jon Mitchell on the incident outside of Jalice Cafe on Saturday August 2, 2014:

“First of all, I am grateful that none of the injuries suffered as a result of this incident were life-threatening. We will not tolerate this sort of violence in our community. The City is taking swift, direct action with respect to the bar involved in the incident. The Police Department has ordered the establishment closed this evening, and the Licensing Board will hold a hearing on Wednesday evening to determine the role of the bar and whether sanctions are appropriate. In the meantime, the Police Department has made this investigation its top priority, and is actively pursuing every lead to apprehend those responsible for the incident.”

Seven people were shot just outside Jalice Cafe at 1468 Acushnet Ave at approximately 1:30am on Saturday, August 2, 2014. Full details of the shooting: