Holiday Gift Ideas for Teachers

by Amanda Lawrence

Tick. Tick. Tick.

That’s the sound of your advent calendar running out, cruelly reminding you that the holidays are approaching fast, and just like last year, you are ill prepared. But don’t fret, my friends! We here at the New Bedford Guide understand that the most wonderful time of the year can also be one of the most stressful times, both financially and emotionally; especially for the parents of young children. Financially stressful for obvious reasons and, well, emotionally stressful in part because there is nothing like a solid week of no school to make parents realize just how much they value the amazing gift that keeps on giving – their child’s teachers!

I mean think about it, have YOU ever successfully taught a class full of animated first graders how to write a coherent sentence, or understand the basics of mathematics? No? Me either, and frankly I don’t even want to imagine a world where I would be subjected to such tasks. I would rather spend a week locked in a room with the cast of The Jersey Shore while watching non-stop marathons of the Kardashians on a 19″ TV.

gift ideas for teachersTeachers are some of the most patient, calm, understanding, and devoted individuals I have ever met. Most of all, they really love what they do. Being an educator is no easy feat. It’s a calling; one that I personally hung up on several times throughout my college years. Which is why the men and women of this profession should be appreciated for all that they do. And what better way to show the people who spend about nine months a year with your child just how grateful you are for their existence than a small token of your appreciation around the holidays.

I’m fully aware that times are tough, and when giving gifts it really is the thought that counts, but c’mon, how much thought did you really put into that ‘World’s Greatest Teacher’ mug you grabbed from the supermarket the night before your child’s holiday party last year?

Teachers do not need any more coffee mugs, cheap lotion sets from the dollar store, or cheesy stuffed animals holding plastic flowers. Seriously. So, after speaking with some other parents and educator friends of mine, I have compiled a handful of suggestions to help you show your child’s teacher that you truly value them as an individual, and not just a name to cross off a list.

Homemade presents, such as cards or ornaments are awesome! Gift cards to places like Target or Amazon are probably the easiest, most versatile present you can give to someone whom you may not know personally. Coffee gift cards are also wonderful! And while Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts are prevalent, I’m partial to supporting local businesses. Mirasol’s Cafe in Dartmouth, a cafe in downtown New Bedford, and Flour Girls in Fairhaven are just a few of my favorite suggestions!

Teacher gift ideasAdditional gift ideas:

  • gourmet chocolate
  • movie theater tickets
  • age appropriate books for the classroom
  • personalized stationary
  • diamonds

Some gifts to avoid:

  • Mugs of any kind
  • cleaning supplies
  • body wash sets
  • candles
  • re-gifted anything
  • perfumes or body sprays
  • framed 8×10 portraits of your child
  • stale fruitcake
  • forever lazy™

Alright, I added forever lazy™ to the list, but only as an example of why the things that we may enjoy might not be the best idea for a teacher’s gift. I mean what hip mom on the go doesn’t want to end her day shroud in a heap of comfy, yet fashionable fleece footie pajamas . . right?

All joking aside, remember folks, teachers give our children more than just their knowledge and time. Over the course of the year they come to know and love our children, dedicating themselves to helping us mold these young individuals into decent and intelligent functioning members of society. This is evidenced by the giving of homework, the constant encouragement, and persistent support in the face of the many difficult obstacles that may arise throughout the semester.

With that being said, this holiday season I’ve decided that both of my son’s teachers will be receiving a heartfelt letter of appreciation from myself, along with a handmade card containing a $10 gift card from my son. I’m even contemplating throwing in a bonus bottle of wine, because I’m sure they need a drink after dealing with a room full of first graders all week. I certainty would!