Family owned and operated, Enos Home Oxygen & Medical Supply, Inc. has been serving the greater New Bedford community for more than 60 years

Chances are you or someone you know needs medical supplies or home oxygen. Whether for home use, nursing home, hospice care, or a host of other reasons, nothing is more important than your health and quality of life. Bathroom or daily living aids, diabetic supplies, wound care, ambulatory aids like canes, crutches, walkers, or bariatric equipment, e.g. oxygen tanks, alleviate pain and suffering, and improve our standard of living.

Beyond that, we also need a company that has a large inventory, is attentive to our health requirements, and reliable enough to provide affordable, dependable, service. Customer service needs to be provided by professional, courteous and friendly individuals. A staff that prioritizes the human side of things while utilizing the best technology.

One such company that has been doing these exact things for patients and professional healthcare providers in a superlative manner since 1950 is Enos Home Oxygen & Medical Supply, Inc. While the family operated and owned company has been around for three generations, they have been at their 35 Welby Road, New Bedford location for 12 years now.

Enos Home Medical has become synonymous with CPAP therapy to treat sleep apnea – a very serious condition that adversely affects the quality of life for millions of Americans. The condition that is caused by a narrowing of the airway and creates pauses in ones breathing while sleeping is more common…and more dangerous, than people think. Because of this the body struggles to get air – usually resulting in snoring, If left untreated, one may stop breathing momentarily up to hundreds of times per night resulting in a serious decrease in the body, especially the brain’s need for oxygen.

The dangers of sleep apnea run a gamut of serious ailments from hypertension, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, worsening of ADHD, depression, headaches and more. This lack of a good night’s sleep also leads to poor daily performance of personal and business activities, including dangerous ones like driving a car.

How sleep apnea is addressed is through CPAP therapy which consists of a machine and a mask, provides the oxygen your body is starving for.

Though known for CPAP therapy, it is a very small aspect of the business comprising approximately 10-15% of what they do. It is one area of focus, but they are much, much more, i.e. supplying oxygen, DME, diapers, wound care, nursing home supply, hospice equipment services, seat lifts, diabetic shoes, stockings, home mods, breast pumps, etc.

Dick Enos’ inspiration for starting the company 67 years ago while he was a police officer for the New Bedford Police Department. He would often ride along in the ambulance and during one trip he noticed a need for home oxygen therapy for the community. Always the the hard worker, he thought to start a business as a side job – he immediately attended school and became one of the Bay State’s very first Respiratory Therapists. He founded Enos Home Medical to focus on making something available to people who really needed it.

His son Richard “Jay” Enos, went to school to become a nurse to get a better medical background before joining the business and running it for 30 years. Adding the nursing element allowed Richard to compliment his dad’s focus by providing the best possible patient care to the residents of the greater New Bedford area.

Current President Jon Enos’ grew up working in the business and at one point or another was doing just about every job or duty, dirty or otherwise – from mopping floors and cleaning the equipment, to confirming order slips and delivering equipment as soon as he could drive.

Wanting to grow on his predecessors’ philosophies he decided to attend business school. After graduating in 2003, Jon complimented his grandfather’s and father’s contributions by adding a more strategic approach to the growth of the business, bringing the total of employees from 30 to 100 strong across three states!

Over the years the business expanded their lines past the respiratory ones that Enos Home Medical became well-known for, the afore-mentioned Oxygen, DME, diapers, wound care, nursing home supply, hospice equipment services, seat lifts, diabetic shoes, stockings, home mods, breast pumps, etc.

The staff is comprised of RNs, CRTs, RRTs, LPNs – all chosen with the same same high standards that the family has kept for decades. Each is chosen for their experience, warmth, professionalism and passion.

One of those passionate employees is RN, BSN Melissa Vuolo who joined the team because she wanted to make a difference in patients’ lives in a home care setting. Being able to assist patients to remain in their homes and as a functioning member of society was important to her. “I did not want any of their conditions to prevent them from their normal daily activities. You always need to remember to treat every patient as if they were your family member, and the care you provide is the care you would want your family to receive. This is something that I am able to accomplish while working with Enos Home Medical because the patient care is always put first. It is all the small moments that make a difference and you realize how much you are helping someone.”

If you are looking for a company that has established itself for its commitment to patient care, professionalism, affordability and dependability, few have the solid reputation that Enos Home Medical, has built over 67 years. With a staff that is available on site 6 days a week, 10 hours a day, and real therapists on call 24/7 for consults or emergency service, you’ll have your most important medical needs adequately met.

Best of all, Enos Home Medical understands that some medical conditions have made people less mobile and travel to a medical supply shop can be a daunting challenge: Enos Home Medical will come to your home, school, nursing home, or business and complete any and all new equipment setups!

With daily delivery service provided for Massachusetts, Rhode Island Connecticut you never have to wait long for your much needed supplies or service. Find out why Enos Home Oxygen & Medical Supply, Inc. has been around for almost seven decades and will be around for at least another seven!


Enos Home Oxygen & Medical Supply, Inc.
35 Welby Road
New Bedford, Massachusetts
Phone: (508) 992.2146 or Toll Free: 1.800.473.4669
Monday-Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am-4:00pm

