UPDATED: Family seeks public’s help locating missing Dartmouth man with special needs

UPDATED Tuesday @ 7:50am: Robert is now home safe and sound. Thank you to all who helped spread the word to get him home by liking, sharing, or commenting.

“Around this time last year my brother Robert went missing with a female that he met online from South Carolina. My mom got guardianship over him, yes he is 21 years old and special needs. He was deemed incompetent by a court appointed professional.

Not many people understand what that is but it’s a real thing. Please don’t hate on something you don’t understand. There was a restraining order put into place so the girl could bo longer contact Robert. She violated it anyway, multiple times.

Fast forward a couple of months, we thought it was over. Here we are a year later and apparently we were wrong. We have court tomorrow for the violation of the restraining order. Same girl is back from out of state, staying at the same hotel she did the first time. And yet again my brother is missing. No meds, no clothes, no money, and his phone is turned off.

If anyone has ever spent any amount of time with Robert you would know his electronics are his life. So for it to be off is unusual. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that she came back and he is missing again.

The Dartmouth Police Dept. is involved and actively investigating. They have already spoken with her to no avail. I could posts my speculations on the multiple theories I have but that will unfortunate not help. Hoping the community could help by just keeping an eye out.

We are very concerned as my brother does not have any instincts of being in danger or when someone is taking advantage of him. He is autistic amongst other diagnosis and he does not function at a 21 year olds level. That’s why he was deemed incompetent by the court.

If anyone has seen him anywhere please, please, please, reach out.”-Becca Tinkham.

Becca Tinkham photo.