Three Fairhaven teens encounter “Wicked nice lady” in Fairhaven

2020 is the year of COVID-19 and characterized by stay-at-home-advisories, unemployment, the closing of our favorite restaurants, and other bad news. So, any good, uplifting or positive news is always a welcome sight! Have some positive news or a story about a good deed you want to share with New Bedford? Inbox us or email

“Long shot that this reaches this kind soul but…

My 14-year-old and three of his friends were out riding their bikes this afternoon and decided to go to Wendy’s for Frosty’s. Because of COVID, they weren’t allowed to go into the establishment and because they don’t drive and presumably for safety reasons, they couldn’t utilize the drive-thru.

Apparently, a ‘wicked nice lady’ in a red punch-Buggy convertible saw them get denied and offered to pick up their drinks in the drive-thru for them. Not only did she refuse to take their money, but she also bought them each French fries!

This made me so happy. It’s refreshing to know that there are such kind and generous people out there who are looking out for kids! (Save the grooming or trafficking comments. I know about the reality of it all, but I do allow my teenagers to be out within reason while with friends.)

So, if you’re this woman, or you know who she may be, thank you!!! If you’re not her, take a lesson from her!!!! Be like red-convertible-lady! ❤️”–‎Vanessa Lagoa‎..