Dartmouth Police warn public of credit card email scam that is circulating

“I just received this email from a SCAMBAG posing as Customer Service for Discover.

As this one was easy for me to pick off…because I don’t have a Discover Card, I must admit that the graphics are pretty compelling, and I can see how someone who does have a Discover Card might fall victim to this.

The hope of these lowlife (insert your own expletive(s) here) is that you will click on the ‘Validate account information’ button and provide them with personal information, such as your name, date of birth, bank account information, etc. After they successfully gain access to your account, they will gladly help themselves to your hard-earned money.

If you receive an email similar to this one, we recommend that you report it to a representative from the actual company that is being fraudulently portrayed (in this case Discover). After notifying the real company of the scam, send the email to your Spam folder.” -Dartmouth Police Department.