Community Vigil for Brad Lourenco set for June 19

There will be a “Remembrance” community vigil for Brad Lourenco on Monday, June 19, from 6pm-7pm on the corner of South First & Delano Street, in New Bedford. Brad Lourenco was shot and killed in New Bedford on June 5th, 2017.

Organizers ask for people to wear and display a Purple Peace Ribbon.

A time filled with Life,
Love and Laughter
An offering of Help,
Hope and Healing
A time to celebrate Friends,
Family and Fellowship

Sponsored by: AJ Gomes Neighborhood Association, Neighborhoods United, Verdean Gardens Neighborhood Association, Inter-Church Council, Latino Coalition, Minority Action Committee, Old Bedford Village, Youth Build, Community Foundation SEM, and Survivors of Homicide Victims Awareness Month Committee 2017. For more information call 508-993-8500 and/or e-mail