City Council requests special election dates to replace Ward 3 Councilor Henry Bousquet

On January 13th, 2017, New Bedford Ward 3 City Councilor Henry Bousquet announced that he would officially resign his councilor seat effective 1 Fed, 2017. You can read the transcript here and live video here:   

Per online records, the New Bedford City Council will officially file a communication requesting Tuesday, March 28 as the preliminary election and Tuesday, April 25th as the final special election: 

COMMUNICATION, City Clerk, requesting that the City Council ORDER the Election Commission to hold a PRELIMINARY ELECTION on TUESDAY MARCH 28, 2017 and a SPECIAL ELECTION on TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017, to fill the vacancy for the CITY COUNCILLOR of WARD THREE.

7a. CITY COUNCIL ORDER, ORDERED, that TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 2017, be approved as the date for the Election Commission to hold a PRELIMINARY ELECTION and TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017, be approved as the date for the Election Commission to hold a SPECIAL ELECTION, in the City of New Bedford, to fill the vacancy for the CITY COUNCILLOR of WARD THREE.

Those interesting in running for the vacant Ward 3 seat should read our article on running for office in New Bedford and contact the New Bedford election commission. You must live in Ward 3. Here’s a look at the New Bedford Ward 3 map. 

New Bedford Ward-3 Map