

Jane Gonsalves – Ward 5 City Council

I grew up in the west end of New Bedford in a family that was always interested in politics.  Local affairs were a regular topic for discussion at our dinner table.  My father served on the Redevelopment Authority in the 1960s, and so my siblings and I learned at an …

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2011 New Bedford Municipal Election Preview

The first round of debates are over and the 2011 New Bedford preliminary election results are in.  The disappointing part of the election was the 28% voter turn-out.  There are 50,117 registered voters in New Bedford, but only 14,259 voters shows up to the polls on October 4th.  While better …

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New Bedford Political Survey System

Who are you voting for in the 2011 New Bedford elections? Not sure? If you already know who you are voting for, how did you come to that conclusion? Are you certain it is the right choice? The biggest problems regarding elections are that too many people do not vote …

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Registering to Vote in New Bedford

If you haven’t heard, New Bedford is having local elections in October and November.  Check out our election page for timelines, who is running and other information related to the 2011 New Bedford elections. An important part of the election process is registering to vote.  New Bedford residents have until …

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Bringing Them Home

On Wednesday, June 22nd, President Obama addressed the nation, unveiling his drawdown plan for U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Although it seemed to be overshadowed in this area by the capture of notorious Boston mob boss James “Whitey” Bulger, this is a big story that has far reaching implications. Not surprisingly, …

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The New Bedford City Council

New Bedford City Council Chambers

What if I told you that I had a job for you that pays a part-time salary, but you will have to put in full-time, thankless hours? Would you take it? Wait.  Before you answer, it doesn’t stop there.  Your home phone number will be available to 93,000 people, and …

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The 2011 New Bedford Elections

New Bedford 2011 Elections

2011 is a very important year for the city of New Bedford.  In November we will have a new mayor and likely several new city council members.  Mayor Scott Lang will not run for re-election, leaving the mayor’s race wide open.  This guarantees there will be new people taking over …

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Running for Office in New Bedford

New Bedford City Hall

In the 2009 New Bedford elections, several candidates ran unopposed.  Out of the six ward City Council elections, three of the candidates had no opposition (Wards 1, 2 and 5*). Little changed for the November 6th, 2012 elections. Nine out of 11 south coast Massachusetts candidates ran unopposed. There may …

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