

Life Sciences Center announces $24.4 million job creation incentives for 43 Massachusetts companies

Incentives expected to create nearly 1,600 life sciences jobs throughout Massachusetts; Since MLSC’s inception, Tax Incentive Program has helped create more than 11,000 jobs. “During an event at Moderna’s clinical manufacturing facility in Norwood, the Healey-Driscoll Administration and Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) announced $24.4 million in tax incentive awards …

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Mayor Mitchell presents New Bedford’s FY 2024 Budget, healthcare reform to manage tax burden

“New Bedford, Massachusetts – Mayor Jon Mitchell presented his Fiscal Year 2024 City Budget to the New Bedford City Council on Wednesday, May 17, 2022. In total, the Fiscal Year 2024 budget totals $513,169,319, of which the General Fund is the largest component at $458,910,392. A Careful, Conservative Spending Blueprint …

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Massachusetts residents lost $525 Million via competitive electric supply contracts in last 6 Years

“New Report Finds Consumers Continue to Lose Millions of Dollars from Contracts with Suppliers and That Consumers in Low-Income Communities, Communities of Color and Gateway Communities Are Disproportionately Harmed. Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell released a report that found that in the last six years, individual residential customers who …

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Massachusetts to receive $131 million in federal funding for water infrastructure

“Senators Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) today celebrated an announcement from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that Massachusetts will receive more than $105 million in federal funding through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) and $25 million from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) …

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