Annual Bishop Stang Christmas Concert was a smashing success

CHORUS: Amber Ajami (Pocasset, MA), Christina Moeuy (Fall River, MA), Georgie Duff (Acushnet), Dylan Vieira (Fall River)Top Row: Alice Man (Lakeville), Katherine Ferreira (East Providence, RI), Lindsey Madeira (Dartmouth)

The Annual Bishop Stang Christmas Concert was held for students, families, friends and the community with musical performances from the Chorus, Jazz Band, A Capella, Piano Pieces and Instrumental. It was a great night of celebration and music.

(Jazz Band) Andrew Crumbaker (Lakeville), Hana Tabit (Westport), Mary Rishmany (Tiverton, RI) Top Row: Robert Gracia (Tiverton, RI), James O’Toole (Little Compton, RI), Leah Desilets (Little Compton, RI), Noah Gagnon (Westport)