Haskell Public Gardens: inspired community resource where art, respite and the green thumb meet

In a day and age when people are spending increasingly more time on their devices, we need resources that remind us that there are other ways to be engaged and entertained. We can expand our horizons beyond accessing information in the form of documents and images on a screen.

There is no substitute for hands on engagement in the “real” world, but for many of us that live within the city that typically comes in the form of eating out, heading out for drinks, perhaps an occasional visit to the zoo or theater.

While there is absolutely nothing wrong with those things, what they all lack is nature. Remember her? When I say nature, I don’t mean taking the dog for a walk through the park waiting for it to evacuate its bowels. Nor do I mean, sitting at the beach tanning. I mean, to enjoy the astounding variety of flowers, plants, trees, flora and fauna that we simply rarely see because we live in the city.

It’s an element that should be present in everyone’s lives. To be surrounded by nature, to engage it through exploration, to learn through observation is to recharge the body, mind and soul. Indeed, it has been the topic of countless poets, writers, and artists and a powerful source of inspiration.

Yet, it can still be social. It is inclusive, not exclusive. You can bring along a friend or family. You can even bring along your favorite device to take pictures of the glorious, natural beauty.

Do we have to drive to central or western Massachusetts for this? Another state further north? Not at all. There’s a place right here in the city of New Bedford that offers this and much more: the Allen C. Haskell Public Gardens. Named after city resident and famed horticulturalist, Allen C. Haskell, who purchased the land and turned it into a nursery, the gardens began to deteriorate due to neglect after his passing away over a decade ago.

The 6 acre gardens were rescued in 2012 by The Trustees of Reservations at the request of the city, is a hidden gem for residents – one that is simply not well-known in spite of its value and being completely free. While there are “only” 6 acres on site at Haskell Gardens, the “Trustees” preserve more than 26,000 acres across the state as an organization with 117 properties – Haskell Gardens is one of 12 public garden properties thy are restoring.

The community resource goes far beyond its natural setting and offers a variety of unique programs and services. On the grounds you’ll find greenhouses, sheds, landscaped grounds, open space, historic structures (including one of the city’s oldest) and even buildings for public use. Want to have a wedding there? You can. Interested in the outdoors, gardening and art, and want to exercise that green thumb? You can do that too. Perhaps you just want to visit to stroll, smell the proverbial roses, or even help with the restoration… you are more than welcome!

Organizers like General Manager, Ross Moran, Visitor Services and Shop Coordinator, Brooke Baptiste and Horticulture Assistant, Gene Bertrand have a genuine love for history, preservation and connecting people to Massachusetts’s storied past. Their desire is to be an integral part of daily life for the community and would like nothing more than to see smiling faces get involved in a manner that suits them.

To get people away from the hustle and bustle of life, involved in horticulture, preservation, and education as well as participating in the many programs, events, and services is to enrich, empower and improve the entire community. They see the property as the foundation to develop that relationship.

Since the property is relatively new, and barely 4 years of age, it is still undergoing much renovation and improvement. There are a lot of plans in motion, and the public’s suggestions and input on the direction are desired. Want to get your hands “dirty,” so to speak? You can volunteer to help here.

“We’d love nothing more than to see farmer’s markets, weddings, concerts, art exhibits, cultural festivals, private celebrations and more on the property on a regular basis. We have more than enough for those who have an interest in horticultural and agricultural initiatives – which falls under the purvey of our Garden Restoration and Maintenance Initiative.” explained General Manager, Ross Moran. “We also have a Growing Program focused on increasing appreciation, education and involvement in local or urban food production. Also, our new garden shop which will open again in the Spring and will feature some of the unique and rare plant material Allen used to sell. And, we will use the space as a revolving interpretive space for kids and families to learn more about horticulture and gardening on site.”

One particular aspect that all are proud of and is of particular import – since it is ideal to get kids involved with nature at an early age – is the large park-like common which often has lawn games available just for kids, and a hidden bamboo grove, which always gets the little ones excited. They can reconnect with nature by growing and nurturing their own plants, do plenty of climbing, crawling and exploring. Great exercise for their body and mind, and you’ll also not have much trouble getting them into bed at night!

By getting involved and supporting the gardens you reward your body, mind and soul, but it also means you help insure that urban sprawl doesn’t consume a green space. You play an active role in something that greatly benefits us all. Take advantage of a free resource!

One of the best ways to get more information is to meet the people involved. Of course, a visit to the ground is most ideal, but at two AHA! Nights – November 11 and December 17th – you can do just that by visiting the Haskell Public Gardens folks at their Holiday pop-up shop. You can ask a million questions, take home some literature, check out some of the artwork, sculpture, stained glass, pottery, etc. from local artisans that they place on the grounds, and perhaps get some sage gardening advice. You’ll be there anyway!

As a way to support local, small, and “green” oriented businesses, Haskell Gardens features these creations as well as wreaths, plants, flowers, gardening tools, on the property’s “Happy Hosta” gift shop open Wednesday-Friday 11:00am-6:00pm and Saturdays 10:00am-3:00pm.

So, take a break from your busy life and stop and smell the “roses.” Your soul will thank you!


Allen C. Haskell Public Gardens
777-787 Shawmut Avenue
New Bedford, MA 02746
Parking is available on Shawmut Ave. and in the small parking lot on Loftus Street
Phone: (508) 636-4693
Email: rmoran@ttor.org

Website: thetrustees.org/places-to-visit/south-coast/haskell-public-gardens.html
Facebook: facebook.com/pg/thetrusteessegardens/



Howe Allen Realty matches passion and attention to details to become one the South Coast’s top real estate agencies

The housing market is a very volatile and dynamic one. Since it’s attached to livelihoods and finances, it can actually be a frightening, dangerous endeavor to buy or sell a home – especially if you are new to the process. The amount of important information that you must know is astounding as it is mind-boggling. It goes without saying that it is impractical to do the process on your own and certainly prudent and wise to hire experts to do so.

The problem is that there is a plethora of real estate companies out there and this generates even more questions and seemingly requires just as much experience and knowledge to find a reputable one as it does to sell or buy a home! What’s the difference between a broker and an agent? Is the company a trusted one that won’t attach hidden fees? Do the agents and brokers actually genuinely enjoy what they are doing and carry that over into taking care of your needs? Will they listen to your worries and concerns and take them seriously? After all this your livelihood and future on the line.

One company that has been making a name for offering this type of superlative service across the South Coast is Howe Allen Real Estate. While they initially opened their office in Boston, the real estate company relocated to Fairhaven at 43 Center Street in 2013. Within the span of less than three years of opening that location, their professional service and satisfied customers led to the opening of their newest location here in New Bedford at 185 Union Street. Impressive growth, but not surprising if you’ve worked with Howe Allen or his team of enthusiastic professionals.

Howe was born into real estate – his mom was a successful broker in Vermont where he grew up, and his father owned a construction company. Their shared experiences and knowledge helped him develop a perspective, insight and valuable skillset that is rather unique – it has allowed him to see beyond the real estate business and been particularly invaluable when it comes to incorporating design and real estate.

Equally as important is the fact that he also has, literal hands-on experience: he has personally renovated and designed fifteen styles of homes. After graduating college, he took a corporate job for 20 years while doing real estate on the side. When his aging parents needed more care, his corporate job with its rigid, strict schedule, became an obstacle to that care. His husband Tim urged him to make the leap into real estate full time about 10 years ago. He launched his own firm and sought out the best in the industry to work with him.

Whether buying, selling, renting, thinking about renovations or any other housing need, the company treats each and every interaction with equal import. While there are many things that set Howe Allen Realty apart from other firms, the most fundamental is the service they offer to you whether you are buying, selling or renting. Each of their team members is passionate about working with clients and seeks out a personal relationship, one that they hope is lasting.

The brokers and agents bring their prior careers to bear in their approach to real estate. A mixture of corporate jobbers, small business owners, former teachers, professors, and salespeople allows a broader perspective to better serve clients. However, they feel that the most important credential is passion! All feel that making a particular first impression is vital and that an laser-like attention to details is how you offer world-class service. From expert photography, drawing up floor plans, exploring quality of life issues when it comes to the specific locales, to pertinent information for home ownership.

Howe Allen and staff know that the process could take months to find the right home and provide a selection that not only meet your criteria, but “We firmly believe that when the right home comes along, the client will know it.” They are in for the long haul knowing that at the end of the day it is your knowing or feeling about a home is the deciding factor and they are not there to convince you otherwise, but to provide guidance. They are simply not interested in the quick sale, rather the lasting relationship the process can offer.

Howe explained “Some clients have been turned into personal friends, others contact us long after a purchase or sale for advice on a renovation or referral to a trusted, reliable contractor or service provider. Sometimes our biggest role is after the sale is complete!”

Whether you are a first time home buyer in your twenties, an empty-nester or you’ve been “around the block” Howe Allen is the agency to assist you along the way. Insuring you don’t make a costly mistake, have that vital piece of needed information, or be a soundboard of experience.

Howe Allen’s passion goes beyond the business and extends to the community. The company takes an active role in local events, causes and charities and has launched several unique fundraising events that are fun and engaging so you won’t even now you’re at a fundraiser!

They’ve initiated a naming contest for vacation cottages, introduced the white picnic concept to the South Coast – in Fairhaven it’s called the “Picnic On The Lawn.”- that is now being copied by neighboring communities, a short film festival in mid-winter to get people out of their homes when cabin fever begins to set in and take its toll. In addition they partake in events that have been ongoing, such as AHA! Night, Rotch-Jones-Duff “Set The Table” event, Concert Under The Stars, several 5K events, and more.

You can get a great feel for what it is that Howe Allen Real Estate does by perusing their images, videos, and comments across social media, asking around, or even simply stopping in at one of their locations. The very functional and valuable website is a great source to do that as well. You can see all the available homes that are listed and sort them by location, distance, price range, number of bedrooms or bathrooms and many other specs. You can read bios, see what they are up to locally, and check out homes that they have successfully sold.

There really is no better way to find out what a business is really like than word of mouth and testimonials. Hearing from people who have used their services is a great measure of any business. The proof is in the pudding as they say, and you can read the rave reviews and testimonials (perfect 5 stars on Facebook Review from very satisfied customers.

One comment summed up the Howe Allen real estate experience best: “Howe is everything you ever thought you needed from an agent. More importantly, he’s also everything you didn’t know you needed.”

Howe Allen Realty Agents
Cassie Canastra
Lindsay Gordon
Tim Evans
Shaun Ferreira
Linda Jardin
Maria Migirdicyan
Julia Mitchell
Tim Mitchell
Liz Moses
Joyce Spooner


Howe Allen Real Estate
43 Center Street
Fairhaven, Massachusetts

185 Union Street
New Bedford, Massachusetts

Phone: (888) 491-9993
Email: info@howeallen.com
Website: howeallen.com/
Facebook: facebook.com/howeallenrealty



Family owned and operated New Bedford “Pack ‘N Ship” provides affordable packaging, shipping, labels, signage and private mailboxes

There was a time in our country when most of one’s shopping was generally done at Mom & Pop stores. With the advent of the department store – compressing various stores that specialized into departments – the Mom & Pop began to fade out. Since the chain store saved money by purchasing in volume, they could lower their prices. Low price, massive inventory that rarely, if ever, ran out and having one place for everything instead of going to a half dozen places made sense to Americans. It also saved us money.

Over the course of a few decades, the big chains began to swallow the little guys more and more. To the point that there were very few of them left. Then…they slowly began to come back. People started to feel like a number. They got sick of looking at a different face each time they visited. They had no history with the employees because they chains had a high turn over rate. Some of us weren’t feeling comfortable about the death of the small store and were equally unhappy with sending the money to some unknown headquarters in another state.

America said “We’d love to have the mom & pop’s back. To keep the money local. To be called by my first name. For the employee or owner to remember me, my projects, my past purchases and interactions. BUT, I want to know that there will always items in stock available when I need them – they would have to be reliable. More importantly, I want to keep those savings. As is the way of life in America, wherever there is an opportunity someone will seize it.

The Mom & Pops have made a powerful comeback. We are seeing more and more small, unique shops cropping up. While we lose having the convenience of one-stop shopping to purchase the variety of things we need throughout the day or week, in return we lose the long lines and waits. Nobody misses that!

One small shop that has seized this opportunity is “New Bedford Pack ‘N Ship” 789 Mt. Pleasant Street in New Bedford – a packing and shipping center authorized for Fedex, DHL & USPS. Pack ‘N Ship also offers copy/fax service, packaging supplies, notary services, private mailbox rentals, greeting cards, signs/banners & promotional items. They also excel at making labels for anything you might manufacture – all sizes, types, shapes. In addition, Pack ‘N Ship is a sign and print shop and can handle orders from small to huge.

This “little shop that could” is run by lifelong New Bedford resident Derek Fernandes and his family. Derek’s inspiration came from a business transaction he had with a friend who lived in Brooklyn, New York. “I had to send him some signage that I had made and it required some special handling. The only spot that could do this was up in Raynham to drop it off. A few days later he called and when he heard how far I needed to travel to ship it he said ‘You need to open a store! I’ll help if you need me to get you started.'”

The rest is history. Since his friend already owned two such stores, he shared his experiences and business wisdom for this specific business. He knew he wanted to be in his city where he was born and raised – providing a valuable service to his community was a no-brainer. He opened his doors on October 28th, 2013. Derek is not knew to running a business professionally – he has over 18 years experience in retail, has managed 2 cellular stores in the past, currently also owns a Security Camera business and is a Notary Public.

So you get that small store customized service, don’t have to travel far for special circumstances, you have history and a name, and most importantly you keep the savings. How is it possible for Derek to compete with the big chain? Derek explains it best: “I run the business debt free, meaning my overhead is low and I pass on the savings to the consumers. My employees are all family members, I work hard to ensure they have stable employment. We offer all the shipping carriers, we are the one stop shop.”

In addition to all the above services, products and benefits Pack ‘N Ship also offers private mailboxes for around $12 per month. Get this: they are accessible 24 hours a day through an automated door. You can also receive carrier shipments at the boxes. Affordable, secure, and convenient.

Derek encourages everyone to compare his prices to the big box stores to see how competitive his prices are, beating most of what they charge. If you need labels or signage, or have something to ship, and want to save money, desire professional, friendly service, and want to keep what you spend local, then you’ll find just that with New Bedford Pack ‘N Ship. After a few visits, you’ll be called by your name and can continue where you left off or often Derek will save you time by saying “Hey Joe, you need more of those 6″ envelopes or some more bubble wrap again?” You have a name and history here. A family owner and run mom & pop. If you ever have the desire to stand in a long line, be the person with two items in the “12 or less” in front of people with 20 items, or want to explain your project or business on every visit, you can always drive down the road!

I’m willing to bet after a few visits you’ll be hooked. You’ll be happier and your wallet will thank you.


New Bedford Pack ‘N Ship
789 Mt Pleasant St
New Bedford, Massachusetts

Phone: (774) 202-0850
Email: derek@nbpackship.com
Website: nbpackship.com/
Facebook: facebook.com/nbpackship/



Halloween CarnEvil! at Newport Vineyards features costume party, sideshow circus performers, live music, delicious fare and more on October 28th

For many people, the answer to “Which Holiday is your favorite?” is “Halloween!” What’s not to like about satisfying your sweet tooth, dressing up in your favorite monster, princess, or super hero, and running around the neighborhood role playing? For weeks before the special night, people spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars to turn their yards and homes into decorated celebrations of the holiday – fake cemeteries, grills with barbecued limbs and a menu, and even genuine attractions that you can walk through and get the wits scared out of you.

We carve pumpkins into a variety of scary or funny faces, head to costume parties, and of course, visit any mill building that has been turned into a haunted house. We actually pay people to try to get us to pee our pants! It’s a holiday that kids and adults alike enjoy participating in. While Hallow’s Eve is a night we dedicate to the kids, leading up to the special night there are a number of events that are just for adults…so we don’t feel left out. We like to have fun too!

One such event that should be a special treat for locals is Newport Vineyard’s 1st Annual Halloween CarnEvil which takes place on Friday, October 28th. The celebration will be the region’s premier costume party with a number of activities to keep everyone entertained: there will be a performing sideshow circus, Tarot reading, live music from The Silks, a cash bar serving cocktails, beer, and wine, a Creepy Cocktail Hour, prizes for the best costume.

Brothers John and Paul Nunes founded Newport Vineyard in 1995 and since then they have become the largest producer of estate grown wines in all of New England. They’ve done this by possessing a bonafide passion for producing top quality, world class vintages that people have simply fallen in love with. Both have decades of experience in the hospitality industry which has led to a lot of travel and a wealth of experience.

Originally planted on a hill in 1977 as a way to preserve a portion of agriculture from impending development, the concept was always to to go beyond the classic idea of what a vineyard was, but the core had to be the wine, so all the fundamentals had to be present. Aquidneck Island has always had a micro-climate conducive to growing grapes – rich, fertile soil combined with the warm waters of the Gulf Stream which are tempered by Narragansett bay, produce the conditions for a long, cool growing season. This, in turn, is responsible for developing the complex falvor profiles that people have grown to love.

They started with a determination to turn Newport Vineyards into an agritourism destination – a vineyard that breaks the traditional mold of what vineyards have done in the past. The old way was for a vineyard to be a private affairs that keeps the public at bay. With an agritourism destination the vineyard becomes a place that welcomes and wants the community to be a part of what they do. They want people to visit the vineyard and see the effort that goes into producing these quality wines. To see the faces of real people behind the label and the passion they have.

To do that an agriturismo will host special events, have activities, offer a farm stand or a number of other ways to turn locals into visitors. In the case of Newport Vineyards, they do and have these things and then some. Their outreach to the community also consists of two fantastic restaurants, Brix Restaurant and the Vineyard Cafe. They host a culinary program, offer catering, and host comedy shows, live music, yoga, wine & cheese classes and provide a stunningly gorgeous setting for a bridal shower, wedding, corporate event or other special occasion. 75 acres means there is ample space to contain all of the goings-on, activities, events and working vineyard.

The Nunes’ brothers and their team of seasoned and energetic hospitality professionals from across the region, are not a vineyard that stands aloof from the community, but they are a solid, important aspect of the community that deeply hopes that locals will visit and be a partake of. Over the years expansion into these other areas couldn’t be done without the resolve, experience and deep knowledge of people like Director of Marketing and Events, Cassandra Earle, winemaker with over 27 years of perfecting wine, George Chelf, F&B Director Trisha Greene, Executive Chef Andy Teixeira or the numerous hard working staff that are work studiously in the fields, providing superlative customer service, or a number of other jobs behind the scenes.

With Newport Vineyards you have the perfect storm of passion, knowledge and experience. A business that is based in agriculture, a respect and appreciation for the environment and is happily a committed part of the community it is positioned in. Newport Vineyard prides itself on marrying locally sourced food with estate-grown wines, servicing many of the needs of locals with their restaurants, produce, and venue for special occasions. The Halloween CarnEvil event is seen as an opportunity – one to meet those they work and live near, to demonstrate the product of their passion and to show what makes them special.

Prepare yourself for the inaugural event of what organizers hope to be a regular special annual event that you’ll visit time and again. Dress up as your favorite super hero or villain, princess or monster, prepare yourself to enjoy mouth-watering fare, live music, and circus performers and do it at one of the most gorgeous settings on the South Coast. It’ll be a night to let loose, make some new friends, and start what Newport Vineyards hopes will be the beginning of boo-utiful relationship.

Sound like a good time? Interested? Head to Newport Vineyards at 909 E. Main Rd in Middletown, Rhode Island on Friday, October 28th. The event takes place from 7:00pm–11:00pm. Cost for a ticket is $75 per person and includes complimentary food, one drink, live music from The Silks, tarot card readings and sideshow circus performers. Additional beer, wine and specialty cocktails available at cash bar.

Want to know more about the event or Newport Vineyards, the Brix Restaurant or Vineyard Cafe? All the contact information, social media accounts, and event page can be found below.


Halloween CarnEvil! at Newport Vineyards
Phone: (401) 848-5161
Email: info@newportvineyards.com
Website: newportvineyards.com/
Facebook: facebook.com/NewportVineyards/

Facebook Event Page: facebook.com/events/1639345823062272/



Clique Bar & Lounge offers an upscale, yet relaxing night life alternative

There’s a new bar and lounge on the block and though it’s only been open for a few, short weeks it is making some significant “noise.” Opening its doors 2 weeks ago, the 3,000 square foot upscale Clique Bar & Lounge at 1082 Davol Street, Fall River, has caught the attention of those on the South Coast looking for something different, something classier, something ritzier.

Though the bar and lounge fits these criteria it was important to co-owners Aaron Couto and Scott Bazinet, that it still retained a relaxing, comfortable atmosphere. No one likes snooty and stuffy and Clique distances itself from those traits with friendly, warm staff, inviting decor and light music.

Now, there are some of you cynics out there that would balk at such an establishment in New Bedford or Fall River. You’d be wasting your time – even if it wasn’t true that there are plenty of upscale establishments in these two cities, what Couto and Bazinet have created is a quintessential, classy lounge of the likes that you would find in the bigger metropolitan areas of Providence or Boston. Believe me, you. It’s true.

Previously the Red Cedar restaurant located inside the historic, brick Commonwealth Landing, Couto and Bazinet spared no expense to make their specific vision of an upscale, yet comfortable bar and lounge a reality by having the building completely renovated.

The upscale part comes from the gorgeous courtyard facing the water, the modern, sleek furniture, and the expensive European lighting which seems a lot of thought went into setting up. Strategically placed lighting not only has a practical function, but is largely responsible for setting the ambience.

In addition, the strict dress code – no hats, tank tops, flip flops, hooded sweatshirts, gang/motorcycle colors, basketball shorts, jogging or ripped pants and presentable dress shoes only – lets you know that there are higher standards here. For those of you who go to places that enforce a dress code, you know what it does for the type of people that will frequent an establishment and how powerfully it positively affects the atmosphere.

Ensuring that Clique doesn’t attract the obnoxious, snobby and snooty, facets of the industrial mill have been retained and in some cases upgraded or modernized. You’ll notice the sheets of stainless steel around the elegant bar, flanges and threaded pipes dividing the room, and the red brick backdrop. It all creates an atmosphere that is ritzy but approachable. A balanced, middle ground is the play that Clique is gunning for.

If the names of the developers and the site sound familiar, it should. The mill is currently occupied with Jerry Remy’s Sports Bar & Grill, Bristol Community College, Community Connections and a number of other businesses. In addition, Aaron Couto is also one of the owners of Jerry Remy’s – though this is a completely separate venture. That means that though Clique Bar & Lounge may be new, the owners and staff are experienced, qualified, seasoned veterans of the industry.

So, what other reasons are there to give Clique a look? Well, how about an expansive drink menu of all your favorites and some original creations? A coming food menu comprised of light fare for when you get a little hungry, but are focused on being social, not feasting? A 1,500 square foot outdoor patio so you can gaze out upon the water on those warm Summer nights? Or offer bottle service and V.I.P. couches for those that are interested?

There is live entertainment every day, Thursday through Saturday (blues trios or acoustic performers on Thursdays and Fridays) from 7:30-10:30pm, at which point a DJ will play all modern hits until closing at 2:00am. In addition, if you love spending your social hours at Clique and think to yourself “Geez, I’d love to have my birthday here!”, you can. Clique rents out the facility for your cocktail party, fundraiser, birthday, anniversary, or any other special event or occasion.

Speaking of special events, Clique hosts some seasonal celebrations: on Saturday, October 29th there is going to be a Halloween Bash where they will give a cash prize of $250 for the sexiest costume and another $250 for the best overall costume. A live DJ will keep everyone moving through the night. Costumes are required for entry. Cover is only $5.

There are some rumblings of a Thanksgiving Eve bash, but you’ll have to monitor their Facebook page to keep abreast of the details. Since Clique is new, Couto and Bazinet are looking to form an identity with the bar and lounge, that fits the community. What makes this an exciting time to check out Clique, is that in the coming days, weeks and months you will have a say in its direction with your presence.

If you like the idea of dressing up nice for a night on the town, but feel there aren’t a heck of a lot of choices nearby, that’s over. With Clique you have a lounge created for the express purpose of offering something upscale in a generally blue collar area. Where you can doll yourself up and not feel like the only one. Where the patrons are actually filtered with a dress code. Where the atmosphere is crafted to attract clientele that are a bit more sophisticated than your corner bar – not that that is a bad things, sometimes it’s nice to head down to the corner bar in casual clothes.

However, sometimes it’s nice to have the option to put on some fancier duds and paint the town red. With Clique you’ll find a place between two worlds: upscale, but relaxed. See you there!


Clique Bar & Lounge
1082 Davol Street
Fall River, Massachusetts
Thursday-Friday: 4:00pm-2:00am
Saturday: 6:00pm-2:00am

Phone: (508) 889-4766
Email: aaronc@cliquebarlounge.com
Facebook: facebook.com/cliquelounge/



Chumley’s offers a professional, but casual menu of high quality, comfort food favorites

There are few things in life as good as sitting down with the best of friends or family and enjoying some comfort food. Something that reminds you of growing up, that does the job of making sure you don’t leave the table hungry, and is simple, not pretentious.

However, often people think that means you have to eat poor quality ingredients, that is as unhealthy as it can get. Often comfort food is equated with fattening, greasy, and being guilt-riddled. While this certainly can be true, it doesn’t have to be!

“Good food fresh and good food fast,” is how Chumley’s owners, Jordan and Julie Hitch, General Manager Cadena and Chef Troy describe the fare that they offer at their cozy Padanaram eatery. Since opening their doors in May of this year they have sky rocketed to success so rapidly by filling bellies and hearts using lots of love and the best quality ingredients sourced locally.

Industry veterans with 40 years of experience between the both of them, their mission is to provide a cozy and welcoming place for lovers of classic New England food. However, they won’t sacrifice the quality of the ingredients nor did they want to punish anyone with high prices for doing so. How does an establishment do such a thing? Lots of experience, loads of passion for what you’re doing and the integrity to do the right thing.

What Chumley’s does and does better than many, is offer comfort food without the guilt. They don’t pay lip service to the oft heard “finest ingredients.” They actually do use the best ingredients and source all of them from the South Coast – a concept the French dubbed terroir. Cadena used a word that I had never heard before and called the group of people who actually seek out establishments that source locally: locavores.

“We take pride in the ingredients we use. We use all natural meats raised with no hormones or anti-biotics, no nitrates. We also hand patty our burgers, get our beef from a local butcher, our breads arrive in fresh daily and everything else is made from scratch using the highest quality ingredients and local organic produce when possible. The quality of our food is of the utmost importance as well as caring about the environment by the use of eco-friendly packaging.” explained Cadena in more detail.

This is not a new concept for the Ragsdales as it is something they have promote for years and in every establishment that have worked in. As consultants they have helped other restaurants incorporate these ideas and smash the myth that comfort or casual means cheap ingredients. High quality food isn’t just for fine dining restaurants anymore.

Born out of the Ragsdale family’s love for burgers, the eatery – which got its name from their beloved Goldendoodle, Chumley – has become a popular destination because of the professional, but casual approach to their menu which includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and of course, wine and beer. I think sharing some of the menu items with you will paint a far better picture of what is meant by comfort food with quality ingredients. And, of course, there the pictures – mouth-watering, drool inducing, hop out of your seat and head to Padanaram kind of images.

For burgers they offer the classic American version, the Plain Jane with a single beef patty, American cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickle, house sauce on toasted bun. An old stand-by that you can never go wrong with. However, if you are in the mood to go beyond the icon, you can get the house burger which is two beef patties, lettuce, tomato, caramelized onions, brie cheese, pesto aioli on toasted bun. A bacon lover? You have two options: the Rancher Burger a single patty with bacon, lettuce, tomato, ranch dressing or the Jack Burger with smoked bacon, house made slaw, BBQ sauce, Colby jack cheese. Want something hearty, but a vegetarian? There’s the Veggie Burger: Southwestern black bean and sweet potato with cilantro lime, mayo, lettuce, tomato, avocado.

The other American icon is represented as well: the hot dog. The Straight Up Dog is a Niman Ranch hot dog in toasted bun, but you’ll want the house hot dog: a Niman Ranch hot dog, pickle, cucumber, red pepper relish, onions on toasted bun.

Other sandwiches include a chicken sandwich, Ahi Tuna sandwich, a “local” fish sandwich, and the massive lobster roll which you can see in the header image above. All sandwiches, dogs and burgers can be ordered with a side of potato or sweet potato fries.

Chumley’s has a blackboard which will let you know what special they may be having, like Poutine (be still my heart!) or a hot dog with Fig-Cranberry Compote Brie and Bacon.

More health conscious? Maybe you want a burger, but your significant other wants a salad? Don’t fret. Chumley’s has you covered. You can choose between the Kale Caesar, the California Cobb, or the popular Yard Clippings: Mesclun mix, fresh parsley, fresh figs, roasted beets, goat cheese, house made lemon vinaigrette. The Little E is comprised of Mesclun, sliced fresh pears, tomatoes, goat cheese, candied pecans, house made balsamic vinaigrette and the Quinoa salad of arugula, tomatoes, corn, chick peas, feta, toasted sunflower seeds, house made pesto vinaigrette.

You can add grilled chicken to any of these for $3, seared tuna for $8, or even lobster at the market price. Accompany these delicious salads with a heaping bowl of homemade clam chowder is a great idea.

Wash it all down with bottled water, soda, iced tea, lemonade or apple juice. If you want a little extra kick in the pants you can grab yourself a Buzzard’s Bay, Harpoon Cider or IPA, Corona, Sierra Nevada, Michelob or Bud Light. Prefer wine? You have a choice between Ruffino Pinot Grigio, Estancia Chardonnay or Mark West Pinot Noir.

Chumley’s is a great spot, perfect for lunch and well worth the short drive. The Ragsdales really have something special and their passion shines through. Local, fresh ingredients by passionate individuals who built the kind of place they would want to eat and lounge at.

Likely, after one visit, it’ll also be a place you want to eat and lounge at too!


Chumley’s Restaurant
10A Bridge Street
South Dartmouth, MA
Tue-Sun: 7:00am-8:00pm
Street and Parking Lot

Phone: (774) 425-4378
Email: cadena@chumleysdartmouth.com
Website: chumleysdartmouth.com/
Facebook: facebook.com/chumleysdartmouth/



2016 South Coast Business Expo to showcase hundreds of new products and services and provide networking opportunities

Are you a local business owner? Considering kickstarting a business in the region? Not sure where to start and looking for advice, mentors, or peers to bounce ideas off of? Want to improve the quality of what you offer in terms of products or service?

Well, there is one place that brings all of the area’s business professionals together under one roof: the annual South Coast Business Expo – the largest business-to-business trade show in region. This is a fantastic way to discover solutions to everyday business challenges and rub shoulders with those business owners that have been where you are heading and want to go.

Co-sponsored by the New Bedford Area and Fall River Chambers of Commerce, both whom promote job creation and the economic development of the region, the mission is to showcase the wide variety offered by local business professionals and strengthen their networks.

Whether a large corporation, profit or non-profit or you own a “mom & pop,” you’ll see get a sneak peek at some of the most innovate, creative, and cutting edge ideas and products from exhibitors. Dare we even say there may even be some secrets unveiled?!

In addition, the South Coast Business Expo provides an opportunity to showcase your own ideas, your business and make a statement to hundreds of attendees and nearly one hundred other exhibitors. You may become inspired or inspire someone, come across an idea that could have a dramatic effect on your business direction or even learn something that can actually affect your bottom line and spur revenue.

The popular event will take place in its usual spot at White’s of Westport, 66 State Road, Westport, MA on Wednesday, October 12th from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Admission to the event is completely FREE if you have a business card. If you don’t own one, it’s only $5. All proceeds raised will be donated to a local charity. In addition, there will be a number of raffles, prizes and more.

This year organizers will be incorporating an Olympic theme to celebrate the 100+ medals the United States won at the games in Rio de Janeiro. They are encouraging all exhibitors to have interactive booths decorated with Olympic paraphernalia.

If you are interested sponsorship or being an exhibitor at this much anticipated and well attended event contact Deven Tillman at dtillman@newbedfordchamber.com or (508) 999 5231 ext. 26. More information about the event can be had by contacting the New Bedford Area Chamber at 508-999-5231, their website or their Facebook Page.

You won’t want to miss out on the the opportunity to see what all your peers are doing – it only comes once a year!


South Coast Business Expo
White’s of Westport
66 State Road
Westport, MA
Phone: (508) 675-7185

New Bedford Area Chamber of Commerce
794 Purchase St
New Bedford,MA
Phone: (508) 999-5231
Email: dtillman@newbedfordchamber.com

Fall River Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry
200 Pocasset Street
Fall River, MA
Phone: (508) 676-8226
Email: communications@fallriverchamber.com



The YWCA offers a number of social and community enrichment programs and services for men, women and children

Did you know that the YWCA is the world’s largest and oldest women’s organization in the United States? Or that they are no longer an exercise facility? That all YWCAs legally changed their name to only the letters YWCA? There are a lot of misconceptions about the services available to the community at the YWCA or what it is exactly they do. You are about to be pleasantly surprised.

For example, did you know that in spite of their name, the YWCA does not exclusively serve women? That they are often incorrectly confused with the YMCA and what they do? Or that their services include social activism, empowering women through programs and workshops, financial literacy, provide leadership development opportunities, and even expend considerable effort towards ending racism in the community through racial justice programs and workshops?

The dedicated professionals behind the YWCA have one eye on current issues and community enrichment and another on the future of the organization.

This is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Certainly if you are a woman, you will find no better community outreach organization that offers so many services in one place – a place that will inspire, motivate, and educate you in pursuit of your business, social, and personal goals.

The Southeastern MA Association, which has had its main administrative office at 20 South Sixth Street since 1996, is well aware of the many misconceptions and how it has hampered their ability to reach those who are best suited to benefit from what they offer.

Current Executive Director and lifelong New Bedford resident, Gail Fortes, who has been with the organization since 1994 is determined to change that in an active way. Ms. Fortes is as much a part of the YWCA as the YWCA is part of New Bedford. She began as a direct care program staff person in the child care program and was promoted to Executive Director 10 years ago. Her passion for the city and the organization shows in the direction the YWCA has been taken and the positive impact it has had on the city.

“I love our YWCA Mission of eliminating racism and empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. I also love empowering and motivating girls and young women. Leadership development is an important piece of our YWCA work, as we are working to develop future community leaders. We ensure that all our programs are Mission-based and are culturally competent and inclusive of all. Our Mission completely inspires me to come to work every day.”

Gail is also keeping one eye on the future and where the YWCA is going. The organization is in the final stages of a $4 million capital campaign to build a 7,000 square foot addition to our administrative office to house their YWKids School Age Child Care Program and Another Women’s Place residential women’s program. They are hoping to break ground in Fall of 2017.

So what types of programs and services does the YWCA offer?

  1. Widowed Persons Program: established in 1992, and held at the Dartmouth Council on Aging, this program which is for men and women alike of all ages, is the area’s only series of support groups for anyone who is newly widowed. Through phone support when you need it most and a variety of social activities one can garner better perspective on their loss and its effect.
  2. It’s important to not only inspire youth, but to provide them outlets and get them physically involved.

  3. Leading Ladies: Are you 18-30 and interested in social justice, a sense of community, women’s advancement or leadership development opportunities? The Leading Ladies initiative utilizes a variety of group and philanthropic activities to best empower you. Emphasis is placed on the need to create collaborations and partnerships in our community.
  4. Racial Justice and the Economic Advancement: With this program the YWCA engages in activities, a number of events, workshops, presentations and study circles. In addition, seminars like “Color of Fear” and “Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes” and workshops like Racial Justice 101, Cultural Competency Training, Unlearning Racism, Understanding White Privilege, Prejudice and Bullying help facilitate better understanding and perspective. The focus is on the impact of racism in the workplace in general and training in cultural competency for service providers and customer relations workers specifically. In addition, the program offers financial literacy training and financial planning workshops for adults and children like Financial Literacy Programs for Girls, Financial Planning 101, Saving for Your Family, Pay Equity Activities for Young Women and Girls, an Investment Club and more.
  5. Clothesline Project: Domestic violence against women and girls is an important issue for society and the community. A great way to help address these issues is through a visual medium. This project consists of donning t-shirts that support the cause and visiting host sites to spread awareness.
  6. Residential Services: Having housing issues? Need help or training to improve your living situation? You will greatly benefit from this service through aspects like “A Woman’s Place” – a residential facility that provides safe, secure, housing for 8 low income women on their own, age 18 and older, working, going to school or a combination of both.

Beyond these programs and services the YWCA offers health and wellness programs like ENCOREplus – an outreach and community outreach program that has reach almost 20,000 women and men in the service area with English, Spanish and Portuguese presentations on health issues related to women and men. The concentration is on breast and cervical cancer, women’s cardiovascular health, colorectal and prostrate health, smoking cessation, diabetes and nutrition workshops. Services are focused on low-income, uninsured and under-insured women and men over age 40 with continual efforts to reach the elderly at the Councils on Aging in the service area.

The YWCA offers a number of Racial Justice programs and workshops.

Kids are not left out, of course! The YWCA offers a bunch of youth service programs like the after-school YWKids School-Age Childcare Program which it has been offering since 1988, and now located at the Abraham Lincoln Elementary School. Licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education & Care, kids who are between the ages of 5-12 get transportation from their school program sites. Once there they will get access to a curriculum which offers science, physical education, art and literature. Girls Exclusive is a gender-specific program that focuses on education, leadership development, community service, financial literacy, cultural competency, etiquette and home alone and babysitting workshops for girls in grades 4-8.

Finally, the teen advisory group called Mayor’s Youth Council meets to provide to the mayor on issues of concern to their age group, attend civic functions, meet with representatives of city government to get and give perspective on community activities.

As you can see, while the YWCA may at one time simply was an exercise facility, its mission and impact have gone far beyond health and fitness and entrenched itself into important social justice issues. Thousands of people have had their lives positively impacted by the outreach programs that the YWCA promotes. We all get hit by life’s curve balls now and then and it’s nice to know that there is someone on your side when you need it most. In addition, if you find social issues to have moved you to action, the YWCA is a great vehicle to pair your ideals with.

With that in mind, the YWCA is always seeking more than just members, but always eager to get assistance from potential donors and volunteers.

Want to be a part of the YWCAs mission? Have questions you would like answered? Want to be a donor, volunteer, member or participate in the fantastic programs offered?


YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts
20 South Sixth Street
New Bedford, MA

Phone: (508) 999-3255
Email: info@ywcasema.org
Website: ywcasema.org/
Facebook: facebook.com/ywcasema
Twitter twitter.com/ywcasema



Fast Phone Fix offers affordable phone, tablet and computer repair along with superlative service

Can you imagine life unconnected? A day without a smartphone, laptop or tablet? No internet whatsoever? Being connected is the way of the world in this day and era and it’s uncommon for hours to pass without checking in. We keep one eye on our personal life, family and friends and the other on business aspects like important emails, queries from customers and even faxes. Of course, we also look towards the internet for our entertainment – pictures of celebrities, funny cat videos, and downloading the latest hit from our favorite musical artists.

The number of people using tablets, phones and computers has grown exponentially and manufacturers are barely keeping up in spite of full steam ahead production schedules. Did you know that with smartphones alone we have crossed the 2 billion mark? And that by 2019 it is expected to more than double and reach 5 billion? There are more phones in China than there are Americans!

You’re in good hands with Altun or Seimur at the helm, doing what they love to do.

No one enjoys being disconnected from this flow or having something interferes with the quality of our interaction. A dying or dead battery is a real bummer. A cracked screen, a key that won’t work, or a charging port that has fried and gone south is a genuine frustration. A frustration that can disrupt a night of plans with friends, a meetup with family or even money if that disruption is an important one from a customer.

So, when we take a technological hit – and we all do and we all will, it’s inevitable – we want that downtime to be as short as possible and equally as important, as affordable as possible. In addition, we want someone that can be trusted not to fluff or inflate the real issue as a way to charge more money, knowing full well that we don’t have a choice but to have it fixed. What happens with auto mechanics happens in the tech repair industry, because when you don’t full understand how something works, it’s easy to be duped.

Fast Phone Fix is the go to place for those of us at New Bedford Guide and we are all very tech “heavy” and rely on our devices to function and perform. Though the store only recently opened – August of this year – owner Altun Bakhshaliyev (who I’ll refer to as Altun for obvious reasons) has been around smart devices since he was young. He was always tinkering, taking apart devices and repairing them. It’s just something he loves to do and the reason why he pursued a career in the industry, graduating from the Computer Systems Institute in Boston.

After a foray with the Apple Store in Boston, he moved to the South Coast and began to work at a chain store in Dartmouth. While there he saw time and again something that bothered him: many of the customers were university students who couldn’t afford the rates being charged because they were on a very limited budget.

Fast Phone Fix fixes more than smart phones, but tablets, and laptops.
Having to see people turn around and leave without the repair didn’t sit well with him. He always wanted to work for himself and own his own business, and knew that if he did so, he wouldn’t have to charge the exorbitant rates and those people – not just university students, but anyone – would be able to afford the fix.

So, opening up his shop, with the assistance of good friend Seimur Hasanov, he put these fixes within an reach of those of us in greater New Bedford. Usually mom and pop stores are squashed by chain stores, but in this case, it birthed one!

So, when Altun was scouting for a location, he wanted to be close to UMass for the aforementioned reasons. He wanted to help the young crowd, but knew he couldn’t directly compete with the big chain store. So, he decided on downtown New Bedford, near the community college which also enabled him to make his dream of owning a business a reality.

Altun and Seimur fix all kinds of phones, laptops and tablets and best of all most repairs can be done in minutes without you even leaving. For that very reason, he has computers for guests to use while they wait. “It takes between 10 minutes and an hour. We use original parts and after fixing we give you six month warranty and also we sell cheap and qualitative phone accessories like cases, screen protectors and other things.” elaborated Altun.

The guys at Fast Phone Fix will even deliver the repaired device to your home or office!

If you are in a rush or have other things to do and the repair is a longer wait, you can simply drop of the phone, go about your business and guess what? Altun or Seimur will deliver your device to your home or office later in the day. Crazy, right?

With Fast Phone Fix you find two guys who can’t imagine doing anything else – they love the internet, their phones, laptops and tablets like we all do. They know what it’s like to have downtime and how much we rely on affordable, quick repairs. They get a genuine kick out of the responses from satisfied customers – the look on people’s faces when one of them steps out to feed a waiting customer’s meter is pretty priceless. Always good for a chuckle.

If you need any more incentive to jump ship from that chain store where you are a number, not a name, Altun offers a free case or screen protector with any repair. And because it was the university students that inspired his move into his own business, he offers all students a 15% discount. That’s all the time. In addition, they also sell used, unlocked phones – worry-free since they come with a one year warranty.

Maybe you are sick of paying an arm and a leg to repair your phone or computer and looking for something more affordable. Perhaps you want to walk into a store where the same person is behind the counter and he actually knows your name. How about customer service from people who are serving you because it’s what they love to do, instead of what they have to do? Altun and Seimur will turn your technological nightmares into a positive experience. You’ll get quick, friendly and affordable service each and every time. It’s a no-brainer.


Fast Phone Fix
283 Union Street
New Bedford, MA

Mon-Sat: 9:00am-10:00pm
Sun: 9:00am-8:00pm

Phone: (774) 707-5366
Email: ideliveryfix@gmail.com
Website: ideliveryfix.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fixbrokenphones/



Coastal Career Academy offers greater New Bedford and Fall River residents a bright future in the health care field

Are you at a crossroads in choosing a career path? Not sure if you want to take up a trade, attend a technical school, or university? Not necessarily keen on commuting or relocating to somewhere in central or western Massachusetts? Can’t find something that interests you at local universities?

Consider a career in a perpetually growing field: healthcare. Perhaps you’ve already considered that, but unsure where to start. Are there professional facilities close by that offer study in healthcare and in a number of fields?

At Coastal Career Academy you learn from those with decades of experience in various health care fields.

The answer is a resounding “yes!” Coastal Career Academy, a private occupational school located in both New Bedford and Fall River (soon to be administering courses for the Cape & Islands) offers certification and programs in a large variety of healthcare fields. Something they have been doing since they received Professional Licensure in 1999!

Started in a single classroom in New Bedford to meet the demands of individuals pursuing a career in healthcare, word spread quickly and the facility and program offerings expanded. Now RN and CEO Deb Gomes is continuing to offer the opportunity for locals to obtain a quality education that is affordable.

Inspiration for Deb came from a career as a nurse which began in 1986. While serving in hospitals along the South Coast, she realized that there was a genuine need for skilled front line workers, whether it was in a reception role, triage or laboratory. In Deb’s words “The first person we all meet when we enter a doctor’s office or health clinic can make a significant difference in our experience. Typically, patients do not choose to visit a doctor. They are sick, injured, or have a particular concern in their health. With that in mind, I wanted to make a difference in the patient experience in our area, even if it was a small one.”

Since nurses are being replaced by Medical Assistants because of the cost savings to medical practices, it is extremely important that these assistants are knowledgeable about the practice that they work in. And this is where Coastal Career Academy comes into the picture.

Deb, who has been teaching since 1993, started Coastal Career Academy in 1997 before becoming licensed by the Department of Education in 1999. They are now licensed by DPL and their Nursing Assistant program is Department of Public Health approved.

Always a warm welcome when you arrive at Coast Career Academy!

Deb and the staff at Coastal Career Academy bring decades of experience as healthcare providers and teaching to bear. There are several nurses on staff, as well as experienced Phlebotomists, Paramedics, and lab technicians. All want you to flourish in the classroom – that means you will also flourish in your new job. They are dedicated to provide you with all the tools and skills that you need to excel and prosper in the healthcare field. When that happens you tell people where you were certified – what better word of mouth is there?!

Want to attend Coastal Career Academy but concerned about the financial aspect? Administrative costs are low, so tuition reflects that. In addition, the staff help you with financing. Best of all, when you complete your program, Coastal Career Academy will help you with job placement – something that they have a 98% success rate with.

So, what specific courses does the academy offer? Certification as a Nurse Assistant, Medical Assistant, Medical Billing and Coding, Office Administration, E.K.G. Technician, Home Health Aid, C.P.R., Cardio-Phlebotomy, and even English for Speakers of Other Languages, Adult Basic Education.

Are you a single parent who is concerned about daycare for your child or children? There is On-Site Daycare available.

Sound exciting to you?, but want to know even more You can contact the academy using the phone number or links below or read/print out the Coastal Career Academy brochure. If you are really gung-ho, you can even enroll online.


Coastal Career Academy
26 South Water Street
New Bedford, MA

288 Plymouth Ave., Suite 2
Fall River, MA 02721

Phone: (508) 536-5366
Fax: 508-762-1470
Email: coastalcareer@comcast.net
Website: coastalcareeracademy.com/
Facebook: facebook.com/coastalcareer/

